chapter 8

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  I walked out of the locker room and started heading to the next class. I opened the door and sat in the front seat for our english class. I sat there drawing on an empty sheet of paper when Mina came over and sat next to me.

  "Hey Y/n!" She smiled.

  "Hey Mina. What's up?"

  "Just getting ready for english. I wonder who our teacher will be."

  "I'm kind of wondering as well." Out of no where denki came over and sat on my desk.
  "Hey guys! What are you talking about?" He asked

  "We are wondering who our teacher will be." I said while leaning back in my chair.

  "I heard it was one of the well known pro hero's" Sero said sitting behind me.

  "Oh really! I wonder which one!" Mina sounded excited.

  The bell rang and the door flung open. My jaw dropped when I saw Present Mic walk in. Denki moved to sit next to sero and I sat up now excited for the class. I thought he wouldn't remember me until..

  "Y/n!! I knew you could make it to the hero course! How do you feel after that... Shocking experience." He shouted. My entire face went red not liking to be the center of attention. I rubbed the back of my head and still laughed at the terrible pun.

  "I'm fine." I smiled nervously.

  "Well I mean you were the one who found two of the most wanted criminals!" He said sitting on his desk.

  "You and Eraser head were the ones who caught them.. I just got in the way... And became a hostage."

  "Don't let that part bother ya! Ya know what I'm sayin? Stuff like that will slowly eat ya away." Mina ended up raising her hand.

  "Yes miss ashido?" Hizashi asked looking over at her.

  "Did you, Mr aizawa and y/n really catch two villains? " She looked like she was about to explode, wanting to hear more of their hero work.

  "Yes! And y/n Bakugo was a big help!" I set my head on the desk embarrassed. Maybe I shouldn't have sat up front. But it feels soooo cool to be noticed by my idol. It would be awkward if he knew that my room was decorated with posters of him.

  I spaced out while Hizashi was telling the class what happened. Kirishima ran over to me and gave me a fist bump.

  "That was super manly of you Y/n! You are probably the manliest man I know!!" He said excited. Mina grabbed my face.

  "Are you still hurt. Do I got to go kick some villain butt for hurting you." She asked like a protective mother.

  Sero and denki stood next to me staring in awe.

  "What was it like to be in the middle of a fight?" Denki asked.

  "How loud was hizashis' quirk!?" Sero seemed really interested. This is probably the most attention I have gotten in an entire year.

  "Alright you guys. Since today is your first day in my class. I'll let you guys just talk with your classmates. Get to know each other. Ya dig?! " Most of the people got up, including katsuki. He walked over to me and the others.

  "Hey Bakugo I heard you stepped in a puddle and got electrocuted trying to save Y/n? You okay man?" Kirishima asked. He nodded and pulled up a chair to sit down in. We were all talking about random things, like our quirks and what we do for fun even our favorite hero. Hizashi overheard me say his name for my favorite hero and he walked over to us.

  "Am I really your favorite?" He asked. I smiled as my face went red.

   " Of course! You are always so confident, energetic and always prepared. Also you have one of my favorite quirks!" After I said that and a few other things hizashi just stared. I thought I said something wrong.

  "My heart." He clenched his chest and almost fell over. "That hit me right in the feels yo!... Can I like... Keep you?" We both laughed. "But seriously... That made my entire day..." The bell rang and I packed up my things and left. I started looking around for my drawing until I realized I didn't have it. I didn't want to go back for it. It would be way too Embarrasing since I drew Present Mic himself. I decided to forget about it and just finish up with the rest of the classes. Before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I sat at an empty table and started eating. Katsuki, kirishima, denki, sero, and Mina all came over and sat at the same table as me. I looked over to see Kenji, Jenna and some other guy talking at a different table.

  "Hey guys. I'll be right back. I'm going to say hi to my other friends." I said before standing up and walking to their table. I sat down.

  "Hey y/n! How was it in 1-a?" Kenji asked. I ended up explaining everything, but I couldn't help myself from looking at the new guy every now and then. After I finished talking I held my hand out to him.

  "Hey! I'm Y/n." I smiled at him. He looked at me with his tired, purple eyes before shaking my hand.

  "Shinsou." Was all he said. His purple hair was amazing. He almost reminded me of Eraser head.

  "Well it was nice to meet you shinsou. I hope I can get to know ya more. And Kenji, Jenna I'll see you two later." They said by and I walked back over to my classmates. I sat back down and start eating. We were talking about little things once again enjoying the free time we got to get to know each other. Next thing we know lunch was over and we went to the last of out classes. Me and Mina have gotten really. Close and I offered to walk her home. She agreed. I knew I could trust her with my secret so I pulled her aside before we left.
  "Hey Mina... Can I tell you something? " She looked at me worried.

  "Of course!"

  "Uh... Well um.. I'm gay.." I have never seen someone smile so wide.

  "My precious gay child! I could tell! Wanna know what else I could tell about you? " I was nervous.


  "You are a major simp for Present Mic." My face went completely red and to avoid the subject I offered to carry her bag. I couldnt get the guy out of my head though. Shinsou...

Mina held my hand and she just swung her arm like a child. I laughed and just went along with it. We finally made it to her house and I gave her, her bag back. We said our byes and she went inside. I started walking back home and when I went inside I saw a few unexpected guests.

  "Yeah.... Uh... Your mom is having us stay for dinner." Kirishima said and laughed nervously. Oh god... Please don't tell me they went in my room.

  "You have such a nice room Y/n" My face went completely red when sero smiled and elbowed my side playfully.

  "Katsuki you asshole... Why did you show them my room."

  "I didn't. Mom did." I never facpalmed so hard in my life.

  "Don't worry Y/n! I still think you are the manliest man!" Kirishima said to try and comfort me.

  "Who cares if you're gay! I bet over half our class is gay!" Denki said trying his best to comfort me. I have never been so embarrassed.

  ".... I'm going to go play video games." I said.

  "Ooo! Can I play!"

  "Me too!"

  "I kinda want to play as well!"


He's finally here. But only. For a bit. You ain't gonna see a lot of him until after the whole sports festival thing.

But here you go!

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