chapter 2

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I didn't sleep at all to be honest. I was laying on my side just staring at the wall while all the things those kids said were repeating in my head. At this time I would be listening to music to escape all the noise in my head but knowing I couldn't just made me feel worse. I sat up and got off my bed. Looking over at my clock and stretching. It was about five in the morning. Since it was the weekend I would usually hang out with Izuku, but ever since what happened yesterday the voices in my head were yelling at me how weak I was and that I would never be able to stick up for myself looking the way I do. Since I wasn't gonna be going to sleep anytime soon I decided to just to take a shower. I grabbed a pair of boxers, me being slightly childish, they were my all might boxers. I also grabbed my grey and black basketball shorts before heading to the bathroom. I turned on the water making sure to have it hot. I stood in front of the sink and took off my shirt. I look at my small body. Unlike katsuki I haven't worked out much like him. My stomach was sticking out slightly and it just made me hate the way I look even more than I already did. I looked at some of the scars that littered my arms and stomach. My family didn't know about them which made me smile because they wouldn't feel like bad parents and a bad brother. None of it was because of them. I love my family. In all honesty, I had no idea why I have done this to myself. But it hasn't happened in a long time and I'm proud of myself for it. As I completely strip down I got in the shower enjoying the hot water on my skin.
After I finished my shower I turned off the water and put on my boxers and shorts. Then I realized I forgot my hoodie. I quickly head to my room hoping katsuki wouldn't be awake or my parents. Little did I know he was already in my room. I shut my door and I turn around jumping slightly when I saw him. I saw him just staring at the scars.

"Please don't tell mom or dad... " Was all I said. He stood up and walked up to me. He grabbed my arms and looked at the scars.

"How did I not notice sooner. " Katsuki spoke to himself out loud. He pulled me into a hug. "I promise I won't let anyone or anything hurt you ever again. Not even your self. If you ever feel like that is your only option just come talk to me. I'd rather hear what is wrong in your life then attending your funeral" He said quietly and with a shake voice. "Now let's talk for now. Sit down." I nodded and put on my hoodie before sitting on the bed. "I promise I won't tell our parents only if you promise never to do it again. " I nodded. "No I want you to say it. I want you to promise me."

"I promise" I said quietly.

"Alright. Now tell me... Why.. When did this all start." He asked.

"About three years ago."

"When we were twelve?!" He asked surprised.

"Yeah... I know.. What could I have possibly have been going through at only twelve. Well.. Remember that group of kids I would always hang out with?" He nodded at my question. "They used me and my quirk for their own dirty work. At first it was only for pranks, but then one of the times there was a fatality." He stared just listening. When I stopped talking he started.

"So that's why... Well I won't push it anymore. The past is in the past... And it wasn't your fault. Now.. When was the last time you did it?" He asked.

"Last year. Remember my ex... He uh... " I cleared my throat and I took a shakey breath.

"No.... Are you serious?" Katsuki looked angry. I just nodded. He pulled me into another hug and I just put my hood up and started crying. He just rubbed my back in a comforting way. Our mom opened the door quietly not catching the attention of me or katsuki. She smiled softly then quietly shutting the door before walking to the kitchen to make breakfast.
We sat there for another ten minutes until katsuki broke the silence.

"I can smell bacon... I think we should investigate.." He said and I started laughing. I sat up and wiped off my face. Katsuki Pat my head and ruffled my (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"I agree.. Let's go." I chuckled and we both got up and started walking to the kitchen. We both grabbed plates, forks and cups, setting them on the table. Mom didn't bring up anything that she saw.

"I'll go get dad." Katsuki said before walking out of the room. Mom put toast, eggs, hash browns and bacon on the plates. I saw that she gave me and katsuki a little more bacon then herself and dad. She smiled at me

"How did you sleep." She asked before pouring orange juice in the cups. I had to lie to her or she'd get really worried.

"I slept fine." I smiled and then katsuki walked back in the room with dad. We all ate breakfast together talking about random things, but then katsuki looked at me and said.

"Y/n I got something for ya." He got up to go grab what ever he was gonna give me. When he walked back in he handed me a little box that had wrapping paper on it. I took it and opened it. My eyes went wide and i tackled katsuki into a hug. Mom grabbed the gift to see what it was. She smiled when she saw it was a new Walkman. "There is a tape in there... I tried to remember all the songs that you showed me on that one but I forgot some... So I added some of my favorite songs."

"Thank you so much!" I said excitedly he hugged me back.

"Alright... Can I get up now." He chuckled and I got up. It always makes me happy that I always get to see his soft side. I helped him get up and we sat back down.

"I'm happy I had both of you... I swear if it was just katsuki I would have lost my mind by now." She started laughing.
Once everyone finished their breakfast I went back into my room and listened to the music. I just stared at the ceiling. I didn't realize that katsuki walked in my room. He lays down on the bed next to me and takes one of the earbuds and listens to the music with me. He grabs one of my comic books and starts reading it. We both relaxed.

"Hey katsuki?"

"Yes y/n.."

"Do you think you could help me train... I want to loose weight... I'm tired of looking like this..." I pointed out my body.

"I can help ya... But I also think you look fine just the way you are.."

"Thanks... But I'm tired of being so helpless... I wanna be able to stick up for myself so I know what to do if i get bullied again... "

"I completely understand.. But it's going to take a lot of work. And I won't be able to help you all the time."

"Thanks. If it's okay with you can we start after lunch?"

"Sure why not?" He smiled at me then we both went back to reading comics and listening to music.

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