The cure

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I pull over at a apartment building that was about a mile and a half  from the mansion I clamed as my own about twelve hours ago when I killed the true owner of the home.

Taking a deep breath, I do a quick spell to make me look like the headmistress of the Salvatore school. In other words, I look exactly like my boss. The outfit even looks like something she would wear.

Looking into the rearview mirror, I look at the reflection of my boss to make sure everything looked perfect.

"Alright Celina, it's show time." I speak to my self with the voice of no other than Caroline Forbes.

I get out the car and walk into the building and step into the elevator, pressing the number to the floor of my destination. The doors to the elevator closed, and it began moving upwards before suddenly coming to a stop. The doors opened.

"Alright Celina you can do this. You're the daughter of the master of illusions. There's nothing to worry about. It's not like I haven't done this before. Heck I just fooled Caroline earlier and made her think I was Rebekah.

I step out the elevator. The doors closed behind me. I began walking down the hallway and stop in front of a door that leads into a Tenant's apartment.

Well... this is it.

Raised my hand halfway up and gave three soft knocks on the door.

"Coming" I could hear a feminine voice coming from the other side of the door.

I could hear the door unlock as the woman opens the door.

"Caroline, what are you doing here? I was just on my way to Mystic Falls to pick up the cure.?

"Yeah I know." I pulled out the cure that I made before coming here. "So I brought you the cure for you and Marcel."

"But I thought Niklaus had asked you for the cure for myself."

"Hey Caroline, I though you've already left to Mystic Falls."

Attractive male that looks like he's between his late 20's to early 30's.

This must be Marcel. I thought to myself. Klaus's adaptive son, which would make him Hope's adaptive brother. Since he and Rebekah are engaged, wouldn't it also make him Hope's uncle? Eww. I just made it sound weird. Its not like Marcel is related to the Mikealsons by blood or anything.

"I did, but Alaric and I were talking about our girls and what will happen to them in a couple years. It's something we're really concerned about, and so I went to Elena to get the cure then left to find a way to prevent this thing from happening when the time comes." I say the first thing that came to mind. "So I figured I would save you guys some time and bring you the cure."

I honestly have no idea what I just said.  Heck I don't even think this made any sense.  Fortunately, they seemed to believe me and not suspect a thing so far.

"For the both of us?" Rebekah repeats herself.

"Exactly." I nod. "incase Marcel wants to also become mortal."

"Couldn't he just feed on my blood afterwards?"

"Well now he won't have to , now will he?"

"I suppose.."

"Thank you for being thoughtful, Caroline." Marcel adds. "I would gladly take the cure alongside my beautiful bride to be."

"Really? You're going to take the cure?" Rebekah looks up at Marcel.

"I am. I'd like us to grow a family together , grow up, and die of old age together."

A big grin formed across her face as she pulled him  in for a kiss.

"Okay... well I'll leave this here." I set the cure down. "I think it'll be great if you two take the cure on your wedding day."

"I think that's a splendid idea, Caroline," Rebekah smiles brightly. "We haven't set the date yet, but I expect you to come to my wedding."

"I will." I nod.

"would you like to come in?" Marcel asks.

"I'd love too, but I have to go."

"Right, the thing for your girls, right?"

"Right."  Move my head up and down.

"well I guess we'll see you later the." Marcel says.

"Yes you will." I smile. "Congratulations you two."

I get pulled into a group hug,

"Good bye, love." Rebekah says as we depart from the hug. "And thank you so much for the cure."

"Yes, we owe you one." Marcel adds.

"Don't, I'm glad I was able to help a friend." I kindly smile.

With that, I start walking away and hear the door close behind me. The smile on my face disappears, and make my true form appear as I headed towards the elevator and made my way to the first floor. 

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