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Previously on The Originals:

-Klaus had the Saltzman twins do a spell to remove the darkness/Hollow out of Hope and into him

-Hope wasn't fond of the idea of becoming parentless, and wanted to find an alternative solution but wasn't any in a short period of time.

- Klaus spoke to Hope after talking and hanging out with Caroline

-Had a father daughter moment, and Hope accepted the fate  her father's

-The siblings were taking a trip to memory lane and had the last supper/ Klaus's funeral

-Then had the Traditional Mikaelson bonfire.

-Everyone said their goodbyes

- Elijah spoke to everyone else as soon as Klaus left to let them know he wishes to die beside Klaus, and got the blessing from everyone.

-Klaus told Rebekah about a cure in mystic falls in case she wants to take it.

-she will and tells Marcel about it, boom they get engaged???

- Vincent ends up agreeing in the end to be the father of Freya's and Keelin's baby.

-Elijah shows up to where Klaus is and tells him what he plans to do.


Finally, I arrive to New Orleans. It took me hours to get here and I hope I'm not too late. The sun had already set and there was nothing but the city lights and the moon lighting up the streets. It's a tragedy I can't make a tracking spell.

I dash around the streets, looking through every corner but to no avail. He is not in sight. But I can't give up. If the rumors are true, then I have to save him from doing something completely stupid.

Even if it's been nearly a millennium since I last saw him, he cannot accept his fate like this. The poor child doesn't deserve to loose anyone else in her family. It hasn't even been a month since she lost her mother. And now, she's also going to loose her father. It such a shame. The Mikealsons always been so stubborn.

I sigh softly and pause. From about a half block away, I see him. His back was faced my way. He is not alone. Sitting on the bench, he is beside his eldest brother. They seem to be  having a conversation.

I decide to listen in their conversation. Looks like his elder brother wants to die beside his younger brother. 'How touching'. I thought to myself. And yet so idiotic. Both of them are. Suicide isn't the solution they are looking for.

There's always another way. Even if you have less than a day, there's still another solution,  and that alternate solution is something I can provide.

I begin walk their way. I see the two brothers facing each other, both having a half of a white oak stake.

'Tsk. Pathetic'' I think to myself. Where the hell did they get another white oak stake anyways? I thought the last white oak stake ended up in the hands of their enemies a couple years ago and turned them to wooden bullets, that were used against them.

Snapping myself back into reality, I was now one foot away from the bench. Both brothers had the white oak stake pressed against their chest. Their eyes never left one another.

"Inferno." I raised my hand and the stakes caught fire. The brothers quickly let go of their stakes that quickly turned into ashes.

"No!" The original hybrid cried out.

The Mikealson brothers looked around to see if anyone else was there. When they land their eyes on me, I don't give them a chance to speak and used my powers to snap their necks.

"Parton the intrusion boys, but you two idiots will be coming with me. You two could go ahead and tell the god of death 'Not Today'." I squat down and look at the brothers.  "you guys will thank me later". A grin suddenly appeared my face.


I find an exquisite mansion that was  right on the other side of town. Dropping the Mikealson's unconscious body, behind the bushes by the doorstep. I walk over to the front door to ring the doorbell.  Within a few seconds,  a man in his early fifty's had answered the door.

"Can I help you?"

"I was stopping by to tell you have a wonderful home."

"Oh uh.. Thank you miss, this home was built by my grandfather himself."

"what a lovely story, tell me, who else lives with you?"

"Just me. My wife died about a year ago and my kids have all gotten married and live who knows where, they never think to stop by and say 'hello' once in a while."

Excellent.  This place will do. And with this man being the only one who lives here, "it'll be easier for me to get rid of him.

Looking deeply into his eyes, I begin my compulsion. "You are feeling lonely. So lonely that you can't live in your home anymore, so you're going to pass the deed to me, giving me this mansion. While you decide to go live with your all grown up children."

Instead of expecting him to do what I just said,  The middle aged man grabs something from behind the door. I didn't see what it was until I felt a wooden object sink against my chest.

"I've drank vervained water my whole life since my granddad told me about vampires. Everyone thought he was crazy as my kids think of me, but I knew that you blood sucking beasts exists. . your kind even killed my wife. " the middle-aged man says in full hatred. Feeling the wooden stake sink deeper into my heart.

Placing my hands on my chest, grasping for air as my skin turns gray and collapse to the ground. Within a few seconds,  my skin regains its color and then I  pull out the wooden stake.

Getting back on my feet, I let out a sinister laugh. "Here's the thing. This may work on other vampires but not me."

"You're an Original aren't you? I've heard about you Mikealson's." The man grits his teeth.
"Think again, I'm not a Mikealson. I'm much older than those children. Go ahead, ask who am I."

"who are you then?"

I let out a laugh. "I'm Celina Salvatore..  I'm  A two thousand year old original-original  Vampire-Witch hybrid. Long story short, my parents were the most powerful witches that ever lived, and like Esther Mikaelson, they created  their own immortality spell., in my case I made was the spell to vampirism." I pause and look at the man and changed the subject  "its such a pity things turned out this way for you."

Using my powers, I rip his heart out without even touching him. He falls on to the floor where a pool of blood spread out of his wound, making him lay in his own blood. The heart that I just ripped out, drops to the ground.

'Oh great, now I have to clean this mess up... guess I should've just simply snap his neck. It would have been a cleaner job.'

"come along boys." I elevated them as I took a step inside the home. Discovering a basement,  I head downstairs to find a vampire torture dungeon.

"Looks like my job just got easier, didn't it boys." I joked.

I leave the boys in different cellblocks, and began to use a cloaking spell. I doubt their siblings would come find them considering that they believe they are dead, but one can never be sure. Next I do  a  barrier  spell in case they attempt to make their escape.

Now to clean up the mess upstairs.  It'll be a while until these two wake up. And when they do, they would be infuriated with me.

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