The call

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(The present)

I woke up with tears in my eyes. It was a dream. It was about the final memory I had of my father. I can't believe its been a thousand years since our final encounter. But why of all times do I have to remember that specifically?

I doubt father was behind that dream. It couldn't be him. Last I've heard, he died in the hands of his doppelganger. Amara died with him. Just like he wanted. I know mom's gone too, but I could care less about her. My only wish is that she rots in hell.

Getting out of bed, I ramble through the closet and pick out an outfit. Surprisingly,  there where women's clothes here, and these clothes don't look cheap either.

After deciding what I was going to wear, I change my clothes and head downstairs and step into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I take out some eggs and bacon, then I take out the pancake mix and put some on the bowl before adding water and batter it up until its smooth.

After I set the food on the stove, I look through the cabinets and takeout a small brown paper bag that reads "Colombian coffee" and start brewing some for myself.

Once the food was done, I set it down on the table and grabbed my coffee, adding two sugar cubes and some non dairy coffee cream.

Sitting down at the table, I begin to eat my breakfast, alone. Just like I always have been for the past two thousand years. My parents are dead, my father's lover is dead. The Salvatore school was the only place that made me feel warm and fuzzy. Even if I deceived them all.

I've lied about who I was, and I was there to find information on the Salvatore brothers and the Gilbert girl.

Its unfortunate I had to learn of my parents death at that school. Then there was Hope. The Mikealson princess. I became so interested in her once I found out about who she was. She reminded me so much of her father.

Speaking of Klaus, the hybrid hasn't changed much since I last saw him. Perhaps he has. He's still short tempered as ever, I give him that much.

As I finish up my breakfast,  I pull out my phone, realizing that I had it turned off since I was on my way to New Orleans.

Pressing the power button, I noticed I had two missed calls from Alaric Saltzman and five from Caroline Salvatore.

Without hesitation,  I press on her number and put the phone against my ear. I took a sip of my coffee as my phone rang about five times before hearing her answer.

"Celina where are you? I was trying to get a hold of you since yesterday."

"I thought Alaric told you already."

"tell me what?"

"That I had quit."

"What!?" I heard her say in shock from the other end of the line. "you can't quit. You're one of the best teachers we have."

"I'm sorry. I just had a lot in mind and there's something I needed to take care of."

"Yeah, but that's no excuse for quitting. If you needed some time off, you could have said so you know."

"I know.. Its just more complicated than that.."

"well take all the time you need. But I want you to come back when you're ready." Caroline replies. "I'm not letting you quit."

"well alright." I say as I surrender. "I'll think about it."

"that's good enough." She seemed satisfied and confident about me coming back to the school.

"Now that's settled,  I think its safe to say goodbye now."

" no goodbye. " I imagine her shake her head. "I'll see you later."

" yeah okay,  see you later then."

" yes, see you around, Celina." She hangs up as if satisfied.

I sigh softly, unsure what I'm going to do. Will I actually consider going back to the school? I mean I already got more than enough information than I needed. So there's no reason for me to go back there.

And its also a matter of time when they realize that I am not who I said I was. If anything, I might be seen as an enemy to everyone at the school.

Getting up, I start cleaning up the kitchen and remembering that Klaus had told Rebekah last night when I was watching from afar, about how he had asked Caroline about a cure for her.

That's right. The cure."

Grabbing my phone, I dial Caroline's number in private. I clear my throat as the phone rang twice before she answered.

"Hello?" Caroline asks.

" hey Caroline it's me, Rebekah." I made my voice sound like Klaus's younger sister.

"oh hey, Rebekah. I was already on my way to see Elena to get  the cure for you. "

" thanks Caroline I appreciate you doing this for me."

" but?" she asks knowing there's a ' but'.

" but I still need some time to think about it. I mean I still need to discuss this with Marcel. You understand, don't you Caroline?"

" oh.. Well yeah. Of course I do. Just let me know when your mind is set up alright? I'll have the cure ready for you."

" thanks love." I say as I hung up.

Now that that's settled,  there's one more thing I need to do. I go fetch my grimoire and flip to a page where there's a folded piece of paper. I take the paper and unfold it to see very old scribbles in ancient Greek.

It is the spell to the cure of immortality. The same one that my mother created in the first place as revenge for what my father did to her. This is the only copy in existence.  No one knows I have this.

As I look through the spell, I gather up the ingredients.

I shouldn't let anyone know about what I'm doing. Bad things will happen if this gets into the wrong hands. This is one of the spells that one should keep to the grave.

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