The deal

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I wake up to an unknown place. Where am I? The last thing I remembered was that I went to the cemetery to bring my mother back to life, only to imprison her in the prison world. Then I fainted due to the wolf bite.

So who exactly brought me here? I get off the bed and look over at the mirror in front of me.

What's this? I notice the wolf bite from my neck was gone.

Oh no, don't tell me-

The door opened, interrupting my thoughts.

"you're up, good. How are you feeling?" the man I had in mind asks.

"better than ever now that you cured my wolf bite. " I say. "why did you cured me? Don't you hate me? Wouldn't you rather have seen me suffering eternally?"

"Elijah told me everything and said you refused to take my blood.. And I had a change in heart."

"You don't see me as a foe then?"

"I don't know." He spoke softly. "but I will help you save your father though I loath him so much and defeat Katherine Petrova."

"Thank you, Klaus-"

"there is one condition , for you to go somewhere far away and leave me and my family alone when this is all over."

My heart dropped at the thought. I should have seen it coming. He does hate me after all and he still believes in that stupid lie I've told him when he was still human shortly before compelling him to forget about me.

"It's a deal." I say before deciding to change the topic. "so how long have I been out?"

"about a few of hours."

"well thank you." I speak softly. "For saving me and for the help I mean."

"it was nothing."

"I'm also sorry for everything that has happened a long time ago, I've never intended on hurting you."

"please don't remind me." Klaus sighs softly.

"I really did lov-"

"stop. Look the past is the past and I'd rather not be reminded from your wicked lies."
"look Klaus the only lies I've told you was when I –"

"shut it before I change my mind."

"no just listen to me." I pushed the conversation further."

"I loved you Klaus, you were my first and only love. What we had back then was real. The whole 'me only using you' thing was the only lie I've ever told you." I raise to show him my left hand with the crafted ring he gave me. "you see this? This is proof of that love. And don't you dare tell me that I'm lying because I'm not. I've worn this ring since that fateful day and I never taken it off-"

Before I could say more, I feel his lips on mines. I suddenly become at ease and return the kiss. Once we depart, I pull him in for yet another kiss, leading to something much more than just a kiss.

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