Mystic Falls

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*Klaus's POV*

Where could that witch be? I wonder as I drive around Mystic Falls. She has to be somewhere around here but where on earth could she have gone? That's right, she has worked at the Salvatore school, maybe she's there.

I make my way over to the Salvatore school.

Passing the gate, I walk over to the building and head straight towards the headmaster's office. On the desk was a familiar figure.

"Hello Alaric."

"Klaus, what brings you here?"

"I was wondering if you've seen one of your former instructors. Goes by the name of Celina Bennett."

"Celina? No I haven't seen her."

"I see."

So she isn't here then. Where could she have gone? I thought for sure she would have come here, but it seems I was wrong. Something is telling me she isn't far from here.

"what do you want with her? If you don't mind me asking." Alaric interferes with my thoughts.

I start explaining everything about Celina, from my history with her, to her obsession on bringing her father back from hell and her wanting to kill Katherine Peirce from existence.

"wait so she is the daughter of Silas and Qetsiyah? And she's planning to bring back her father from the dead?"

"yes." I nod my head.

"and you don't trust her at all though she saved you?"

"Its complicated." I scratch my neck.

" what are you planning to do once you find her?"

" first I'd like her to give me an explanation for her actions, then I might consider helping her."

"You must still really like her if you're considering on helping her."

" It's not like that at all." I quickly say.

" oh yeah? Then what is it?"

" Elijah convinced me on helping her. He says he trust her and I trust Elijah so..."

"right... Well, I'll let you know when I see her."

" thanks Alaric."

"as far as things may go, I think you should trust Celina, though she did lie about who she was when she worked here. She was one of the best instructors and students loved her, especially Hope."

Her kindness could have just been an act. But if both Alaric and Elijah tell me to trust her then I shall do best on doing so, though she did flee.

I say my goodbye's to Alaric then I make my way out and start drive off looking for Celina. What other place could she have gone? I wondered. There's still one place I haven't checked yet and that's the cemetery, maybe she is there.

I make my way to the cemetery and get out the car once I arrived.

" Celina?" I call out her name as I walk around before spotting a body on the ground.

I rush over to the unconscious body which turns out to be the person I been looking for. She was sweating excessively due to the wolf bite.

Picking her up, I take her to the car and drive off.

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