X-mas special

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(A/N: Please note this chapter has nothing to do with the story. It is just sort of an imagine)

The whole compound was covered in Christmas decorations. Klaus was downstairs, playing the piano with Elijah and Hope, while Freya and Kileen greeted our guests.
Since I had spent most of the day doing someting in the last minute I had taken a quick shower. By the time I stepped into the room, there was a big box laid down on the bed with a letter lain on top of it.

Picking up the small envelope that read my name, I open it up and take out a folded up piece of paper and read the writing.

"I saw this the other day and thought of you."


Setting down the note, I opened up the box that revealed an overpriced red dress. I was at a loss on how beautiful the dress was.

I start getting ready and put on the dress. When I was done, I step out the room and make my way downstairs.

Klaus stops playing the piano and his eyes land on me as I step into the room.

"You look stunning."

"you don't look bad yourself you know."

"Ah yes, but you're the most beautiful girl in New Orleans. "

"hey what about me." Hope playfully says.

Klaus laughs softly to himself. "Aside from Hope."

"And me." a pregnant Rebekah steps into the room with Marcel.

I smile softly and greet the younger Mikealson and her now Husband.

"I'm glad you guys were able to come. I thought you were on labor ." I tell her. "it sounded like you were ready to give birth when I was talking to you the other day over the phone."

"I thought she was too. I even took her to the hospital, but it turned out to be a false alarm." Marcel says. "the doctor said it was normal and that it happens all the time."

" besides, we wouldn't have missed this for the world." Rebekah smiles.

"alright guys, come eat." Freya calls out from the kitchen.

"ladies. Gentlemen." Elijah led the way.

The smell of freshly made food filled up our nostrils. Klaus pulled out a seat for me, then he took a seat right beside me, at one end of the table. Hope took a seat in front of me. Next to her was Marcel and Rebekah. Next to me was Freya and a pregnant Kileen. Then it was Kol and Davina. On the other end of the table was Elijah.

We began to feast, drink champagne, talk, and laugh. While everyone was enjoying their time together as a family, I couldn't help but wonder if my surprised guest was coming or not. I've given them some time to think ever since I personally met them.

This person also happens to be valued by the Mikealson family, better yet, they are family to the Mikealsons. I think everyone will be glad to see them, and I hope this person realizes that, even if it's for a little while.

By the time we were done with dinner, we opened up our presents then we all had gone outside for the traditional Mikealson Bonfire. Everyone had a piece of paper and a pen in hand. As everyone wrote down their wishes, I looked around to see if the person was coming yet, but nobody seemed to be coming.

Maybe this was a mistake. What I did was selfish, and didn't think that they were too thrilled about it. So of course they wouldn't want to show their face here and get everyone's hopes up.

Sighing softly, I began to scribble on my piece of paper.

"To remain this Happy with Klaus for all eternity."

I folded my piece of paper and threw it into the fire. Everyone held their significant other closed to them as we all watched the flames swallow up our wishes.

" hey guys, its been a while."

Everyone turned over to the source of the voice. Everyone's jaws dropped in surprise to see the person I was expecting .

" mom?" Hope blurs out and runs to her embrace.

" how is this possible?" Elijah was still processing what was happening.

Everyone's eyes suddenly landed on me as if I needed some sort of explanation .

" well I thought a Mikealson Christmas wouldn't feel like Christmas without Hayley. Also, Hope needs her mother and I wanted her to be reunited with Elijah because let's face it, he had sacrificed so much for this family and deserves his own happy ending."

"So in the morning when you said you were going to go out and do something in the last minute for tonight, you meant you were going to bring Hayley back from the grave?" Klaus asks.

I nod, confirming what he said.

"I never asked to be resurrected. Its not what I wanted. I even declared to undo the resurrection spell, but she's pretty stubborn, but she managed to convince me to come and see you guys. I guess it wouldn't be so bad to stick around and be with family." Hayley speaks.

Everyone gathered around Hayley to give her a group hug.

" It's a pleasure to have you back, Hayley Marshall- Kenner."

" now how about that dance you owed me."

" But there's no music."

" let me take care of that." Hope volunteers .

She pulls out her phone and puts the volume up as classical music came out of the device. Elijah offered his hand to Hayley which she gladly accepted and put her free hand on his shoulder.

All eyes were on them as they glided across the floor. Hope looked up at her father and offered to dance. Klaus accepted his daughter's offer and joined in the dance. Soon everyone else joined in.

I took a seat on the stairs and watched them all enjoying themselves.

As soon as Klaus finishes dancing with Hope. He headed my way a and took a seat next to me.

" Thank you."

" for what?" I ask myself. "I just brought a hybrid back from the dead without letting her have a say."

" but your heart was in the right place. And everything worked out in the end."

" Point well made, Niklaus Mikealson."

" Now how about a dance."

"After you." I smile taking his hand.

He drags me to where everyone else is at and dance through the night. When the music died down, we all gathered up together for a family group photo. It was one night to remember, always and forever.

A/N: Happy Holidays you guys!! I hope you guys enjoy the holidays with your family, friends, and/or your significant other!!!❤🎅🎄🎉

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