In hell

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I gather the stuff needed for the spell to take us to hell and i light up a couple of white candles. Well this is it, I'm finally doing this. There's no way on going back now, I am going to rescue my father.

I mix some herbs and spices. I take Klaus's hands in mines as I began to chanting a spell that I have no idea if it's going to work or not. I repeat the verses over and over again. The chanting goes to a stop. Everything goes black.

Next thing I knew, we were no longer at the Mikaelson mansion in Mystic Falls. We were at an unknown place.

It worked. It actually worked we are in hell.

" come on, we only have a few moments for the spell to last." I take Klaus's hand in mines.

We briskly started walking down the halls we peaked from cells to cells, witnessing hauntings from one person to the next.

" over there." Klaus points at a cell.

I walk to the cell he is pointing at and comes into a halt. Its him, its my father. I look at him crawled up into a ball in the corner of his cell. His hands were on his head muttering something to himself.

" dad?" I speak up

He makes eye contact with me before giving me the stink eye. " oh no, I'm not falling for this again, I know that you're nor real, its low of you to use the image of my daughter against me, Katherine, go ahead, do your worst."

" no dad its really me, I came to save you."

" yeah right, I know you're going to torture me again and again before I have a chance to get out of here."

Klaus stands next to me. " she's telling the truth, Silas we're here to get you out of here."

" well this is new, alright if this is really Celina then tell me something only she know."

"The first time my mother locked me in the dungeon for embarrassing her with my magic you told me I did my best and that you were so proud of me. You told me to never give up and that I'll get better and become even more powerful than you and mother."

" it really is you then." Silas says.

" it is." I nod.

" what is the hybrid doing here with you?"

" he came to help me."

" he did?" Silas was surprised. " doesn't he hate my guts?"

" oh believe me I do, I'm only doing this for Celina not you." Klaus says.

" For her? Wait are you two together?"

" we are."

" seriously?"

" we'll do some catching up later, for now let's get the hell out of here." I use my powers to open the door.

My father steps out the cell and. Embraces me. " its nice to see you again."

" come on the spell is about to wear off."

I hold on to Klaus and my father and squeeze my eyes shut. By the time I open them, the three of us were back at the mansion in Mystic Falls.

We did it, I can't believe we actually did it. But this just seemed a little too easily. I may be reading this too much but I have a feeling something feels off. Then again it might be just me.

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