Katerina Petrova

560 8 0

( year 1490)

I arrive at a small village in Bulgaria. From a distance I spot Amara's doppelgänger. She had a large bump on her stomach.

I approach her and intentionally bump into her, making if seem like an accident.

" I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I tell her.

" its alright." She says. " I've never seen you before, are you new here?"

" yes I am. The name is Celina Salvatore."

" I'm Katerina Patrova."

"you're with child, how lovely." I look at her bump.

" yes I am." She smiles, rubbing her belly.



"would you like to come to my home for some tea? "

" I'd love to" I respond

I follow to her house where I'm introduce to her parents and her servant. I have my tea with Katerina.

" would you like to stay the night? I imagine you have nowhere else to go."

"I don't want to be a bother to you and your family."

" you won't be. Please stay."

" in that case, I'm honored to do so."

" splendid."

I smile softly. I'm glad I get to get along with Katerina. I messed up big time with Tatiana by accidentally killing her child and thinking the worst of her. This time I will not make the same mistake again.

A few hours later the sun has set and Katerina was crying out in pain, she was going into labor. I take her to her room and lay her down on the bed. No one was in the room but the servant and myself after telling everyone that I was a nurse and knew what to do.

I have her doing some breathing exercises that will help her through the pain then had her push when the timing was right.

A few moments later, the room fills up with the cries of an infant. I carry the baby in my arms and cover her up with a towel.

" congratulations it's a girl."

"I have a girl?" Katerina smiles.

" would you like to hold her?"

Right in the neck of time, her father steps in.

"I think not, may I see the child?" Katrina's father asks.

" of course." I hand the baby over to her father who then takes a few steps to the door.
"at father where are you going?"

" you are disgrace to the family and this child is an abomination, I'll take her to a family that would raise her." He takes his leave with the baby. " and you'll move to London as soon as possible.

" wait father don't, please don't do this to me." Katerina began to cry. "Celina please do something, please don't let him take my daughter please."

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