025: The #1 Player

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who's your #1 player?

Jiwoo's POV

"NOOO!" Taehyung yelled and dropped the game controller, watching his character die in the hands of mine. He dove his head beneath the pillows, frustrated from his loss. On the other hand, I cheered out of victory, hitting his back out of heavy laughter.

He plunged his head out and reached for his controller. "One last fight." He stared into the screen with scrunched brows and unwavering determination.

I continued laughing. "Sure loser." I never really fancied videogames although I did play from time to time. Taehyung invited me over to play videogames with him, saying 'Jungkook was busy so he had no one to play with'. I chuckled at the thought of his alibi. He was beginning to seem more obvious. 

We went for another game of three rounds in Tekken (fighting videogame). I purely laughed throughout the first round and easily won it, but got alarmed when Tae quickly overpowered me in the second round.

I eyed Taehyung secretly, who was now flashing his signature smirk. This bitch just didn't want to lose. I cursed under my breath in utter annoyance as we braced ourselves for the third and final round.

"Round 3. Fight!"

I randomly and rapidly pressed the buttons of my game controller. There was no technique really. Just me pushing random buttons in fast mode to make me feel like a pro.

Taehyung knew all too well the movements and power combos of his character, but his health bar was now declining faster than mine. "No, no, no." I heard him chant to himself which spiked my adrenaline. I paced up my actions in hopes to win, now standing up in bed out of excitement.

He joined me up, now all jumpy. He paced up and both of us were at minimal health bars. I continued to trust in the power of random buttons. We were now yelling for our characters like a bunch of young kids. The fight was so close—


I danced out of victory, the bed creaking because of my jumpiness. "YESS!" I threw flying kisses and bowed to an imaginary audience. I plopped myself back down and beside the pouty Taehyung.

"I actually let you win this time," he mumbled jokingly.

I chuckled. "Nah, it's just that I'm the better player baby."

A strong force pushed me down in a blink of an eye and before I even realize it, Taehyung was on top of me, pinning both my wrists with his hands. "What was that again?" His voice deepened.

I felt a smirk creeping up to my face, deciding to mess with him. "In short, you suck."

He huffed out of amusement. "I mean if you wouldn't mind..." He nibbled on his bottom lip, his eyes trailing down and down at the body below him.

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