003: Math

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Jiwoo's POV

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Jiwoo's POV

I walked to school with an annoyed expression written all over my face.

Just last week, my prized possession, my motorbike got heavily damaged by Soyeon who borrowed and bumped it with a large truck. She came out safe tough, only having small cuts on her arms and legs. I didn't get mad at her, for I was merely thankful that she didn't get hurt or anything. Now that she was well, I need to scold her about her carelessness.

I reached school, letting out a deep groan. "The gates of hell."

I walked into the crowded campus. Some students made way for me, making me walk in ease despite the tight and noisy crowd. Some of them waved their hands proudly, and some were squealing shyly. Whether out of intimidation or admiration, it seemed many were drawn to my charisma, giving me the fame I never wanted in the first place. Everyone at school knew I play and break the hearts of men, yet no one gave a damn about it because it's my life, not theirs.

I see Soyeon in a distance amidst a crowd of her own. I wanted to smack her head about my damaged motorbike, so I rushed my way towards her then backed out when I saw someone beside her. "The demon's there," I muttered annoyingly. I can't say his name, because to me, it was a bad word.

The school bell rang and made all the students rush to their respective classes. I headed to my first class which was Mathematics. Before the teacher had arrived, I came to the classroom last, only finding out that the last unoccupied seat was beside that demon.

I sighed, visibly irritated as I took the seat beside him. Just in time, Ms. Jung, our math teacher had arrived as she and our class exchanged greetings.

Ms. Jung started, "Hope you didn't forget our past lesson since our new lesson is related to it." She flipped the pages of her book atop the table. "Open your books to page 143, and try answer those equations." Everyone opened their books, letting out groans of suffering.

"Hey," a demonic voice called out. I rolled my eyes, knowing that if I'd ignore him, he would just annoy me more. "What?" I replied, not looking at him as I flipped the pages of my book.

"What was the page again?" he asked. Are you deaf, dude? "Page 143," I answered briefly, hoping the conversation won't last long.

"Aww, is that you're way of saying of 'I love you' to me?" Annoyed, I looked at him, smirking and with both of his hands clutching his chest dramatically. All he ever does is either flirt, annoy or bicker with me.

I just shot a glare in response. 

"I know you know that 143 stands for I love you," he said as he formed a small heart using his fingers and offered it to me. I flicked it and rolled my eyes.

"It also stands for I hate you," I retorted as I smirked deviously. He scrunched his brows and pouted a bit as I averted my eyes back to my book. He joke flirts which is annoying as hell, but it's just his player instinct. It's not like he's truly interested in me or anything. Does he really think he can get someone like me? I'm a player, and not to mention even way better.

A scheming thought popped suddenly. My lips curved up, forming a devious smirk on my lips. "Hey," I called out to him softly, and his head jolted in response. "You shouldn't mind the page number though," I added.

He arched his brow, trying to guess what I was up to. I lightly grinned and made steady eye contact. "I really hope math class would end now so this would just be homework."

"Why?" His eyes gleamed peak curiosity. 

I gently grabbed his collar closer to me and whispered seductively unto his ear, "I'm like math homework. You'd find yourself in a hard situation, and you'd be doing me all night long." I let go of his collar, finding him blush a faint tint of pink. It so happened that Ms. Jung was sitting down, busy reading her book.

A smirk crept to my face. "School's #1 playboy blushing?" I teased. "Jiwoo- 1. Demon- 0."

He didn't move for a few seconds then suddenly recovered. "Playing a little game aren't we?" He smirked back.

I didn't bother reply as I started answering the equations in the book. I may be badass, but it doesn't mean I'm no smartass.

"Math is boring," I muttered, already finished answering. My chin rested on my palm out of boredom.

"It is?" he suddenly spoke, earning a scoff from me. "Mind your own business, would you?" I groaned, not sparing him a glance.

"I can't help it when someone's bored. If you are, I'm gonna make math fun with you." I looked at him amusingly but with disgust. He flashed his signature devious smile. I arched my brow, feeling a bit curious. "Add a bed. Subtract our clothes. Divide your legs, but I hope we won't multiply." He winked, his smirk still plastered whilst chuckling softly.

I scoffed in amusement, rolling my eyes. Those classic pick-up lines won't work on me darling.

The bell rang. Ms. Jung dismissed us, and I never felt so relieved leaving the annoying demon behind. Next up in my schedule was Chemistry. Chemistry better be good to me.


why does it feel like that no one's reading my story? *sings twice's tt* anyways, since i love y'all, i made a longer chapter. don't be silent readers, please~ press the li'l star below and tell me what you think in the comment section.

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