010: Bring it On

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Jiwoo's POV

I woke up early this morning, contemplating whether to wake Jimin or not. "Maybe not today," I mumbled to myself as I slung the strap of my backpack on my shoulder then headed towards the door. I decided to let him be, because Jimin would naturally wake up ten minutes before the school's call time. That was enough for him to quickly prepare for the school since we lived just a few blocks away.

I sighed, thinking I had to face my brother's wrath one of these days. I would meet him in some of my classes, so I'd avoid him at all costs. I skipped a grade with Soyeon, so pretty much— the both of us were the same grade with our older brothers. Smart perks.

Once I reached the school gates, I was immediately greeted by a crowd of students so I quickly responded with a wave of my hand to shoo them away. They obeyed and moved to make a way, earning a silent scoff from me. "Seriously." I muttered softly to myself, heading to the lockers.

I unlocked the code then opening my locker, only greeted by an abundance of love letters flowing out. "What a waste of space," I groaned, gathering them in both of hands to throw them in the trash bin without hesitation.

I got ahold of a few books, and reached out to get my pen at the very corner when it was suddenly slammed shut. I flinched at the sudden action.

"What the hel—"

"So it's finally true?" The second an annoying, giddy voice rang through my ears, I immediately knew who it was.

"The fudge Soyeon, why the hell did you slam my locker? You surprised me there. Is that how you greet your bestfriend in the morning?"

She responded with a soft giggle. "Yes," she jokingly answered. She clung to my shoulder, continued giggling, then repeated her question, "Is it finally true?"

I gave her a puzzled look. "What's true?" She broke apart from me, returning back a puzzled look. "Haven't you heard what's everyone talking about you?" she asked, awaiting for my answer.

"That you're dating him?"

"I'm dating who? I'm not dating anyone yet," I answered flatly without giving it much thought. I couldn't even remember if I was entertaining a fling at the moment. "Don't mind those. Gossips a waste of your time and saliva."

"True that. I'm a bit disappointed though," she replied, sulking a bit.

"Why?" I paused. "Who's him?"

"Duh, it's-"

The school bell interrupted Soyeon. "See ya at lunch." She waved at me, heading to her first class since she had Math and I had Biology. I waved back and headed to my next class.


"How's your day so far?" Soyeon asked right after taking a bite of her egg roll. She sat across me in the lunch table. "Great, I guess..." I mumbled, twisting my pasta using a fork.

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