023: Reveal

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placing a trigger warning just in case :)

It was a typical school day after the wild weekend. As Jiwoo headed for her next subject after lunch, she received a call from someone she didn't expect.

"You and mom are coming back?!" She gripped the edges of her tote bag in excitement as she walked to her next class. With the sway of her hand, the people crowding at the end of the canteen moved and made way for her.

She gasped. "Does Jimin know?" She continued on walking without minding her surroundings.

"That's great. Call us oka-"

She tripped on her low-heels, and before she could hit the ground, she was luckily caught by a pair of strong arms that swiftly swerved in to save her.

"Woah, slow down there tiger."

Jiwoo looked up to see Taehyung with a wide smirk on his face. "Hey babe, looking gorgeous but seeming stupid today I see."

She wanted to wipe the hell out of that smirk from his 'handsome' face. "Yeah whatever, thanks."

"Jiwoo-ah! Omg are you okay?" A voice rang out from her phone. "Yeah, yeah I am," she reassured the person she was talking to.

"W-Whose voice is that?"

Realizing that this person had heard her conversation with Taehyung, she answered, "Oh well, just some university fuckboy."

Taehyung's jaw dropped in major offense.

"A-Ah I see... it just seemed like from someone I knew. Well anyways, you should really get going to class. I'll update Jimin."

"Mmm okay, take care alright."

"Just some university fuckboy??" Taehyung scoffed with disbelief once Jiwoo hung up the phone.

"Well aren't you?" Jiwoo retorted.

He scoffed once more as he looked away with hands on his hips. He rolled his eyes before facing Jiwoo again then looking away once more. He stomped his foot and scratched the back of his head nervously, debating with himself whether he should tell Jiwoo or not.

"Umm, do you want to say something?" Jiwoo asked as she looked at her watch.

Taehyung finally spoke, "When does your last class end?"

"Around 3pm or so I guess, you?"

"Probably half an hour after you," Taehyung shortly responded. "See you later?"

Jiwoo hummed a yes. The two then headed separately for their respective classes.

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