006: Little Game I

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Jiwoo's POV

"Wake up, you sleepy dork." The curtains were opened, causing the rays of the sun to seep through the windows and blind my eyes. The blankets were pulled away from my grasp.

Is it time for school already? Why didn't the alarm ring? With my body still attached to the bed and my eyes still closed, my left arm stretched to the side table where my phone was.

I lazily opened my eyes, then opened my phone. It said 6:30. "The hell?" I cursed silently, knowing that it was an hour and half before classes would start.

"Yah, why'd you wake me up?" I tried to yell which failed since I was too sleepy. I looked to see a guy with pink-dyed hair in front of me with his hands on his hips. "I said, wake up you sleepy dork," he repeated in a stern voice, dodging my question.

I closed my eyes. "Whatever," I scoffed groggily as I pulled the blankets back to cover my whole body. He jumped into my bed and sat beside me as he once again pulled the blankets away from me. He placed both of his hands on my shoulders, shaking them which annoyed me. "Wake up!" he chanted out repeatedly in an irritating tone.

Aish. "What do you want, Jimin? There's about an hour before school starts." I frowned, my eyes still closed. His voice became sweet, "Don't I get time to spend with my little sister by going with her to school?"

(behind that mochi baby is a man who will wreck your bias list with his high-pitched vocals and graceful dancing ; he's so cute, i can't

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(behind that mochi baby is a man who will wreck your bias list with his high-pitched vocals and graceful dancing ; he's so cute, i can't.. *dies*)

I opened my eyes, only to see him pouting. I sighed then pinched his ricecake-like cheeks. "You're too cute for your own good. Fine, I'm waking up."

I sat up straight on the bed as he did too. Suddenly, he smacked me lightly on the head then faking a smile to look innocent. "Oww, you were sweet just now. What was that for?" I complained, rubbing the spot where he hit me.

"That's for leaving me behind at the house asleep for two mornings. I almost got detention. You should have woken me up, " he scolded, sighing. He stood up from the bed, heading towards the door.

"It's not my fault," I mumbled, shifting my eyes to the side.



"Go take a shower. I'll head to the kitchen and make us pancakes," he ordered and got out of the room as I headed towards the bathroom.

After taking a bath and wearing my uniform, I head to the kitchen and found Jimin already sitting at the dining table. He motioned me to sit which I did and together we ate.

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