020: Serious

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Jiwoo's POV

I felt my head on the broadness of his chest, waking up to the warmest hues of sunlight that brought color to the skies. I quietly broke away from his embrace and seeing he was still sleep, laid his head on my lap.

He let out a soft grunt as he positioned his head more comfortably. I run my fingers through his head and gently stroked his hair by instinct. I looked at the sleeping Taehyung. What did we bring ourselves into? A cheesy-silly game that only fed our egotistical broken selves?

Kim Taehyung. Full of ego? Definitely. Broken? Not so sure.

Unconciously, I found my eyes hovering around his neck— the necklace. 

Bang! Startled, I shifted my eyes to the loud sound of the door opening.

With his eyebrows and forehead scrunched, the school guard looked visibly stressed. I suddenly stopped stroking Taehyung's hair.

"Yah you kids, I knew I heard voices before I locked the room last night," he grumbled in a hoarse voice as he eyed us suspiciously. I heard Taehyung groan as his hand made a way to find mine and lay it atop his head. I let out a soft chuckle because I knew he wanted me to continue playing with his hair.

"You kids better get your lovey-dovey asses out before you get found out or I, fired." 

I dragged Taehyung all the way to my home which wasn't that far away, immediately greeted by the faces of Jimin and Soyeon by our front door.

"Oh good morning," I greeted nonchalantly with Taehyung's arm slinging across my shoulder. "Goodness gracious, a good morning to those who worried where you both have been?" Soyeon raised her voice at us as Jimin let us both in.

Taehyung immediately fell asleep as he plopped himself down on the nearby couch, shutting out the scolding rants of his dearest sister, Soyeon. On the other hand, I laid on the couch right across them, cracking my neck and back which hurt from supporting Taehyung on the way here.

Jimin sat beside me, looking at me intensely with an unreadable expression.

Annoyed, I stared back at him. "What? Are you gonna scold me or something?"

He merely laughed in response which made me feel more annoyed. "Nah, I trust Taehyung... How long have you been two going out again?"

I mentally panicked. "U-um, a month now," I lied. 

"Wow you two never last that long in relationships, congrats," he said in amazement as I shrugged in response. He added, "I hope you two ain't playing each other."

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