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Taehyung reaches for my hand and holds firmly, sending back jolts of hope into my body. I look back. Both of us freeze at the moment, eyes fixed on each other's.

"Don't leave," he begs.

I breakdown at the sound of his voice. I fall into his embrace and rest my head on his shoulder as the tears I held off begin falling.

Taehyung whispers right into my ear, "I can't lose you..."

I look at him but cannot see him properly through my tears. Still, I can feel his warm presence.

He feels so close, but still so far away.

I blink gently as my vision is hazy, trying to hold him who was just in front of me.

"Jiwoo?" I hear his deep voice calling.


"Wake up and get down here, it's late in the afternoon for goodness sake!"

Yeji is yelling non-stop for the last minute. I bury my head deeper into my pillow but her voice keeps getting louder. I let out a groan before forcing myself to get up. Slouching, I walk downstairs. "What do you want?" I ask, not minding to hide the annoyance in my tone.

Yeji comes out of the kitchen in a nice dress under her apron. She sets a cooked meal before Mom at the dining table.

"I need a deck of cards, please go buy me one," Yeji says calmly as she sits beside Mom to feed her. I remain standing in confusion. Why the hell does she need that out of the blue?

I feel the heavy drooping of my lids. I yawn, "Why can't you buy it yourself?"

"I'm taking Mom to the doctor."

"Why can't you ask Jimin?"

"Oh, he's already out."

I only groan. I fix my hair by hand-brushing it a few times. I put on a cap before heading out.

Yeji seems to notice and stops me, "You're gonna regret that! Go shower and change."

I sigh but decide to follow her advice. I feel like needing to take a long bath to drown my emotions out anyway— because the dream remains vivid in my mind. I've had similar dreams the past few months, dreams that reveal how much I wished that I turned and ran back to him or that he'd hold me back and make me stay... Even though I won't admit it, I know that deep inside I wish things were different that particular day but there's no hope...

because it's almost a year since.

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