004: Enemies

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Jiwoo's POV

Everyone immediately headed to the science laboratory in their white coats. We took our seats like how we were arranged last time during the first semester.

"Jiwoo!" A voice exclaimed, so I turned to where the voice came from. I smiled as I took the seat beside her.

"Soyeon, you don't know how glad I am to see you in the same class," I said, sighing in relief. "I know." She smiled cheekily in response.

The professor had arrived as he and the class exchanged greetings.

"Alright, class. Since it is the new semester, I'm assigning you to new partners," he said in a loud, monotonous voice. Soyeon and I groaned, knowing we wouldn't be partners anymore.

Professor Song opened his book and started assigning us to our respective partners. I rested my chin on my palm as I waited for my new partner.

"And Ms. Park, your partner will be Mr. Kim," Professor Song assigned last as he closed his book. I groaned once again then looked at the smirking demon behind me.

"Seat beside your new partners, and prepare the laboratory materials. We'll start the experiment activity as soon as possible," he ordered, and everyone did as what was told. I hesitantly took my new seat beside him then we started working on our activity.

Or should I say, I started working on our activity. He was useless.

"I know why we're lab partners," that demon suddenly chuckled, only receiving a roll from the eyes from me. I gave no response since I was too focused on the experiment.

"Since we have chemistry," he said flashing me a wink. I don't know why but I started laughing. "What? You have a pick-up line for every subject?"

"I do. If you want to hear more, I have a lot more." He continued to flash that infamous smirk of his.

"Pick whoever to flirt in school, exclude me." I faked a smile, focusing on the experiment.

"You may be my greatest enemy, but I really can't help myself. It's just my instinct to hit on someone pretty." 

I momentarily stopped. I admit, I was taken aback.

"Pretty ugly." He laughed hysterically, holding his tummy and trying to take a breath. I smacked him on the head to silence him before Professor Song would scold him.

"Pabo," I mumbled, a bit mad and a bit disappointed. What was I expecting anyways.

"I don't care, just help me with this activity, satan." I ordered as I passed him some tubes. "Got a new nickname for me?" he chuckled, still trying to take a breath. "Just fucking help me with this, 'kay?"

"Yeah yeah whatever." He composed himself then asked, "So where do I start?" I passed him a paper where the instructions were written. "Read and perform carefully," I said sternly, earning a nod from him.

Everything went just well, and that actually surprised me. When I decided to check up on what he was doing, my eyes widened. I suddenly yelled,

"No! That'll cause an explosive reac-"

Boom. With that sound, everyone knew what had happened.

It was a good thing that everyone immediately ducked under the tables, leaving all of us unharmed.

The sets of laboratory tools in our area broke, and that pretty much angered the professor. "Mr. Kim and Ms. Park, out of the classroom. NOW!"

The two of us exchanged a glare before walking out of the classroom. 

Professor Song scolded us, nagging about our carelessness and lack of teamwork. In frustration, I wondered why he had to partner us up in the first place.

"You lucky brats. Since it's the first day of the new semester, no detention for the both of you today," he said, earning a silent cheer from the both of us. "But you'll have it tomorrow," the professor added evilly.  Our smiles faded as we looked at each other with glaring eyes. 

"For now, I want you to embarrass yourselves as you two stand outside with your arms up on the air for the rest of the encounter."

Before going back inside the laboratory, he added in his ever monotonous voice, "Pay for the laboratory materials, the both of you." 

We didn't bother listen to him and just squatted down. "It's your fault," I mumbled, crossing my arms as my back leaned against the wall. I didn't want to go to detention nor pay for the materials.

"You didn't guide me well," he snapped back. I looked at him straight in the face, mad. "I told you to read and perform carefully what was written in the sheet of paper! Are you that stupid?" We ended up bickering,

"I was confused for a second there, kay?"

"If you were confused, you could have asked me! I have the fucking brains."

"Don't make me look stupid. I hated to be partnered up with you!"

"Do I look like I wanted it too? Well for your information, I hate you Kim fucking Taehyung!"

"Good news for you, the feeling's fucking mutual!"


a longer chappie since i love y'all. don't go away because the fun's about to start. *excited* leave a vote and comment because that would totally inspire me to write~

see you in the next chapters!

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