014: Over the Phone

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Jiwoo's POV

The sun peeped through the windows of the Kim's living room where we all slept in our warm, cozy sleeping bags. I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a bit of muscular pain here and there because of the game battle last night. I tried to move when I realized Taehyung was right beside me, still sleeping his ass off. Just great, I thought sarcastically.

I took a quick look around and saw them all still sleeping their butts off too. Aww, they all look peaceful. Should I wake them all up with some prank being the evil friend I am or-


I flinched, startled at the loud and deep-toned sneeze. And that's how everyone woke up without any of my attempts doing so.

"TAEHYUNGGG!!" Everyone knew who it was from and so they whined in chorus except for Yoongi and I-

Oh shit, Yoongi...

Everyone who was sleeping their asses off earlier are now laughing their butts off as they waited for the pancakes Soyeon was cooking in the kitchen. We were all gathered in the dining table, non-stop laughing.

"Stop laughing!" Taehyung cried out of embarrassment as he awkwardly handed the hot chocos he prepared a few minutes ago to everyone.

"How could we?" Hoseok giggled. "You should have seen the look on your face when you saw Yoongi-hyung awaken from his sleep." Everyone stiffled another laugh.

Namjoon continued, "Also when he gave you a big bump on your forehead with..."

"...the snort outta your nose," everyone finished Namjoon's statement in unison, laughing even louder. "Haha. Funny guys," Taehyung sarcastically replied as he nervously handed Yoongi his hot choco then reached out the last drink on the tray to me.

He once again sneezed, a little bit softer this time but audible to me. "Jeez. You almost sneezed on my drink," I said, rolling my eyes as I received my drink from him. "Mian," he shortly apologized as he wiped his nose with his collar and sat beside me. "What's up with you and sneezing?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes at him as I took a sip of the hot choco.

"Jiwoo, I don't feel so good..." He dramatically whispered, closing his eyes as he leaned towards me with his hand over his forehead. "I don't wanna g-" I smacked him at the spot where Yoongi hit him earlier before he can even continue. "O-oww!" He exclaimed in pain then snickered at me, moving away. He sneezed again.

What a poor soul.

"GUYSS THE PANCAKES ARE READYY!!" Soyeon shouted from the kitchen, causing our growling stomachs to cheer in delight.

We gobbled the pancakes as soon as they were served on the table.

Everyone went home, one after the other, not forgetting to thank the Kim siblings for their warm hospitality and for the great time.

"Jiwoo-ah, the cab is here!" Jimin yelled as I saw him get in the taxi. "Coming!" I yelled back. "Let's see each other at school tomorrow. Babyee!" Soyeon waved at me as I hung the strap of my bag across my shoulder. "See ya!" I gave her one last hug before heading to the cab.

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