016: Care for Tae

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"Undress me."

Taehyung's deep, husky voice kept echoing all over her head as the two gaze onto each other's eyes, with seemingly no plans of breaking intense eye contact.

Taehyung's deep, husky voice kept echoing all over her head as the two gaze onto each other's eyes, with seemingly no plans of breaking intense eye contact

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His gaze traveled from her eyes slowly down to her lips, then back to her eyes and then back to her lips. As his face drew closer and closer, Jiwoo's breath hitched.

"Your breath stinks, dumbass."

Taehyung blinked his eyes for a few moments, internalizing what she just said. Jiwoo bursted into a fit of laughter.

"I was kidding." Jiwoo laughed hysterically, clutching her abdomen and bobbing her head like a madman.

Taehyung's already flushed cheeks turned even redder. He withdrew his face away from her and moved his hand to cover both his nose and mouth. He breathed upon his hand, trying to get a whiff of his own breath. "Yah! It does not. Aish." Taehyung ruffled his hair in frustration, annoyed at the sight of her laughing at him.

"You think I'd let my heavenly lips be tainted by your devilish ones?" Jiwoo continued laughing sarcastically. "Never."

"Wah, acting all innocent are we? I bet you have kissed over a hundred guys already." Taehyung jeered, irritated. Jiwoo scoffed, her mouth agape in disbelief. "I bet you have kissed two times more than I have."

Taehyung shrugged mischievously, not even denying her claim. "Even if I have kissed thousands of girls, those kisses wouldn't matter because they weren't from you," he remarked with a devious smirk.

Jiwoo scorned his smirk to the very depths of hell. It seemed so sly, so evil, so-

"Frustrating! Ugh," she groaned, fuming in utmost irritation. Taehyung seemed entertained at the sight. "I'd never want a kiss from you," she said with conviction, glaring at him with burning hatred evident in her eyes.

"Oh really?" he doubted in a teasing, amused tone. "Says the one expecting a kiss on the lips."

Confused, Jiwoo paused to comprehend what he meant. She turned light red, the scene of Taehyung kissing the bridge of her nose during detention now popping and replaying in her mind. She suddenly arose from her seat and threw the washtowel on his chest. "P-Pabo!"

It was Taehyung's turn to laugh. "O-ow! How could you hurt your patient?" Taehyung flashed his fake puppy eyes and clutched his chest, pretending to be in pain.

Looking straight into her flaring eyes, Taehyung kept on smirking, very amused. "Yah, you're burning me with your eyes. You're making me hotter than I already am."

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