005: Detention

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Jiwoo's POV

Tuesday classes ended well, except for the fact that I still had to go to detention because of the accident in the chemistry laboratory yesterday.

"Aissh! I'd punch that guy in the face." I balled my fists, throwing light punches in the air. "I swear you two look good together," Soyeon giggled as we walked along the school's hallways.

"We don't," I contradicted briefly, rolling my eyes. She only chuckled in response. "Hihi, anyways I'll go home ahead. You still have detention." She waved her hand at me as we parted ways.

She gave me one last look and winked. "Have fun at detention." I rolled my eyes. There was  definitely a meaning behind that wink. Aish.

I headed to the detention room, finding Professor Song, a male student I don't know, and that demon who were presumably waiting for me.

"Sit down," Professor Song ordered as he pointed at the seat between the two males in the front row. "Since I'm busy, I'm leaving you three here. You'll only receive one hour at detention. You're not allowed to get out unless an hour passes. Understood?"

We answered a yes in monotonous unison. The professor got out of the room, leaving the three of us inside.

I was bored for the first few minutes. The demon from my left was taking a nap while the guy whom I didn't know was playing with his fingers.

"Hey," I called out in a soft voice to the guy to my right. He looked at me, wearing a flustered expression. He wore spectacles. "M-Me?" He pointed a finger to himself as he stammered.

"Who else?" I moved my chair a bit closer to his. "I think you're cute." He blushed at my statement. I smirked at his flustered expressions, considering that detention might be fun since there was a toy I could play with.

He wasn't able to respond, instead he just looked away from my direction as an attempt to hide his blush. I immediately knew he wasn't used into this type of things, and that gave me the opportunity to mess with him, being the player I am.

"I-I think you're c-cute too..." he finally spoke, still blushing and earning a small smirk from me. "If we find one another cute, do you think we should date?" I showed him some aegyo, one of my charms that no one would be able to resist.

"D-Date?" He replied stuttering. After a second of hesitation, he nodded an okay much to my own delight. "Yay, so you're my boyfriend now!" I cheered as I clung unto his shoulder, earning another blush from him.

"B-Boyf-f-friend..." he mumbled to himself. I mentally vomited at the word, silently pitying the guy because he couldn't spot the ingenuity in my voice. You're just a fling, darling.

He was about to say something when the demon cut him off. "Cut the flirtatious act. You're interrupting my nap," he said, scoffing. I looked at him who was now rubbing his eyes as he sat straight up.

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