022: Bottoms Up

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yeontan, play dionysus by bts.

"Geonbae! (Cheers)" The clinks of nine shot glasses up in the air echoed through the room which reeked of the compelling scent of soju.

"Where the party at?" A tipsy Jimin sang out, hyping up with the easily drunk Hoseok who were both dancing around. The rest laughed, watching the two talented dancers pull out some ridiculously crazy moves.

"Drink up, drink up, drink up," Jin chanted in his magnificent singing voice, pouring more soju on the glasses of his companions. "Geonbae!" They cheered once again, colliding their glasses with one other's that created a rich clink sound.

Taehyung stood up, a bit unbalanced and raised his glass towards Jungkook. "May we have a love shot?" The corner of Jungkook's lip rose which was a confirmation of agreement to Taehyung's request. "Of course." They linked their forearms then drank from their respective glasses. The proud parents, Namjoon and Jin cheered for the two.

(had to do it for the taekook stans 😔🤟)

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(had to do it for the taekook stans 😔🤟)

"Last man standing wins," Jiwoo suddenly challenged as she poured herself another shot of soju. She confidently drank it one gulp then slammed the empty glass on the table. Jimin and Hoseok who got worn out from dancing now sat back down and poured themselves another drink.

Jungkook poured himself a shot and bragged in a cocky grin, "Let's see about that."

"A game of truth or dare or shot," Soyeon proposed daringly despite speaking in a slurred tone. Everyone cheered loudly out of excitement, their senses heightened by the thrill and alcohol in their bodies.

"Yoongi," Soyeon started as she chose her first victim. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," he answered unexpectedly which was proceeded with a chorus of oohs.

"I dare you not to fall asleep anytime tonight."

He raised a middle finger and took a shot, creating laughter within the room. Well, what did they expect.

"Jk, truth or dare?" Yoongi spoke nonchalantly.

"What do you expect from the daredevil himself?" Jungkook answered confidently.

Yoongi smirked. "I dare you to crack a piece of egg on Jin's forehea-"

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