024: Game Over

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a taehyung-birthday update. wohooo!

Jiwoo's POV

My head spun for a little while before I gradually gained consciousness. I felt the softness of the pillows beneath and of the blanket atop me. I opened my eyes, my vision a bit hazy as I slowly sat up and leaned back. I then realized I was at home.

"Woah, woah easy there..." I heard a soft voice as a pair of arms rushed to aid me.

"Taehyung?" My voice came out lowly than I expected it to.

"Hey tiger." He smiled weakly. "How are you feeling? Do you want water? food? medicine? Do you want me to lower the air con-"

"Yah! I'm fine you dimwit, stop worrying it feels weird."

He let out a light chuckle. He seemed off-guard.

"I should be asking you. You alright?" I asked worriedly though I tried not to make it obvious.

"I'm fine you dimwit, stop worrying it feels weird~" He repeated what I said with a mocking, high-pitched voice and distorted facial features.

I hit his arm though I lacked the force I had intended. "Jerk."

"Oww!" He faked a cry before letting out a loud cackle. I rolled my eyes.

"Is Jimin home?"

His face contorted into an expression of betrayal. "I was the one who carried and stayed with you, yet you're looking for another man. But I'll forgive you for now because it's just Jiminie."

I broke out a laugh out of disbelief.

Taehyung smiled, but he only continued staring. My breathing began to tense.

"Don't tell me you're falling for me right now?" I teased seemingly confident, but the words came out so unexpectedly that in actuality I was internally panicking.

"Are you?" he countered with a voice that went octaves deeper than usual.

My heart pummeled by the deepness of his voice. He was giving me that daring gaze again, but I eventually looked away. 

"What time is it?" I asked, hoping to change to topic to which he cooperated. "Around 9pm. You were out for around five hours."

A lump went down my throat before I hesitated to ask. "What happened... at school?"

With eyes on the ceiling, he took a deep breath and leaned back on his chair. "I read your message when classes ended, so I rushed to where you were and called to notify Jimin just in case. He was at the police station with Jin-hyung. When I told him about you, he got alarmed and hung up. That's when I felt like something was wrong."

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