021: Samgyeopsal

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Jiwoo's POV

"Yoongi... how do you know if you like someone?"

A week had passed since Jin's birthday celebration— since Taehyung and I kissed. It was a topic not avoided but never really brought up. And here I was, sitting on a bench with Yoongi, whom I had bumped into in the park when I decided to go out for some fresh air.

Yoongi arched his brow. "Why are you asking me this?"

I regretted blurting out what had been bothering me the past days, so I kept silence to avoid further embarrassment.

"Well..." He rubbed the back of his neck, as if finding the right words to say. "You feel more nervous and aware around their presence. Your heart beats fast and you feel butterflies in your stomach. You try not to mess up in front of that person, maybe even trying to impress them. You'd find yourself always thinking about him or her. You want the best for that person, and you want them to be happy."

I stared blankly at Yoongi, trying to absorb everything he had said so quickly in one go.

"Earth to Jiwoo?"

I shook my head, snapping out of it. "Damn, you should try rapping you're good."

He let out a deep chuckle. "Thanks, but that's not the main issue here. It's now my turn to ask you. Why exactly are you asking me this?"

"Uh, it's Taehyung..." I started but no more words came out. It's not that I hesitated to answer. I just couldn't find the right words to say it.

"Lemme guess..." Yoongi cleared his throat to speak more clearly, "you and Taehyung have decided to date- err play each other but others are oblivious to it because you look cute and all, but it's freaking obvious to me because— duh? two players are actually dating for fuck's sake??" I laughed at Yoongi's remark but let him continue.

He carried on, "And- lemme see, maybe you want to prove to him and to the world that you're better and more superior. But now you find yourself catching feelings which totally opposes the whole notion... and not to mention, you deny, deny and deny in order to protect your ego and hide your unfamiliarity of falling in love until-"

"Okay okay, you can stop now," I interrupted, my face clearly flushed. How in the world did he summarize what I felt about the whole situation-

"Am I right, or am I right? I'm simply a genius, just in case you were wondering how I knew," Yoongi said as if reading my mind, his smirk oozing of confidence.

"Geez, you didn't have to hit me that hard." I sulked in my seat, once again absorbing the words he had spat out.

"He kissed you, didn't he?

My ears perked up at the word as I felt my cheeks going redder. "W-What, no.. we-"

"Once and for all- stop denying Jiwoo." Yoongi now looked at me with a straight face.

I heaved out a deep sigh. "Okay, he did but so what-"

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