007: Little Game II

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lmao, 700's a bit too far, but thanks for the 600 reads. since i love y'all, here's the next chapter:

Jiwoo's POV

All of the students headed to their respective classes when the bell rang.

"Soyeon, can I ask you a little favor?" I asked her, whispering. "Sure, what is it?" she replied. "Is it okay if you'd pick another seat just for this class? It's not like I don't want you to seat beside me, but I just want your brother next to me just this time," I explained, sounding innocent.

Instead of sadness, her face showed the opposite. "Sure! So are you two really a thing now?" she repeated, receiving another instant reply from me. "No."

"Why though?" she teased, forming a devious smirk on her lips. I didn't bother answer her but only returned a smirk, a really devious and a suspicious one.

"If I'll answer your question, then it'd ruin the fun..."

"What are you exactly up to, Park Jiwoo?" She squinted, her eyes filled with suspicion and curiosity.

"I want you to find out, Kim Soyeon." I challenged her. "Very well," she chuckled as she stood up and found another seat. I'm glad she understood.

A few moments after Soyeon found another seat, her brother entered the classroom then immediately sat beside me, placing his bag underneath his armchair. "I'm winning," he declared with confidence, earning a scoff from me.

"You bet." I rolled my eyes, smirking.

Mrs. Kim started reviewing about the Joseon era of the Korean History in correlation to our new topic. Many minutes had passed, and although it was boring, I just listened to her when I felt a hand atop my thigh. Damn it. I see that he was trying to make a move. I harshly shoved his hand off me but it kept on going back, so I made up my mind. It was finally time to make my move.

"Mrs. Kim?" I called out, standing up as I raised my hand. Mrs. Kim, who was writing on the board stopped and looked at me. "Yes, Ms. Park?"

"Taehyung over here didn't listen to your discussion and told me you're just a boring teacher who has nothing but a big butt." I pointed to the demon beside me whose eyes screamed what-the-fuck. Everyone laughed, but it made the teacher mad.

Mrs. Kim wore a flustered expression across her face. "KIM TAEHYUNG. OUT OF THE CLASSRROM, NOW!"

"But Mrs, I didn---"

"I SAID NOW!" She pointed the door, fuming in anger and in embarrassment.

Before he walked out of the classroom, he shot me a death glare. "Payback, Jiwoo- 2. You- 2," I mouthed to him, smiling in victory.


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