012: Hanging Memories

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Jiwoo's POV

"Thank God, it's the weekend."

In my pajamas, I got myself a bag of potato chips from the cupboard and plopped my body unto the couch. My right hand shoved the chips in my mouth while the other lazily reached out to the remote on the side table. I turned on the television and started watching a movie. Yup, this was my morning routine.



[ I know exactly what
you're doing -_-
You better come to
the sleepover party
I'm hosting at ours. ]


[ Aish, you know
me so much. ]

I placed my phone down, rolling my eyes out of amusement. I continued watching the movie that was currently aired while shoving chips into my mouth.

"What a great way to start your morning." A sarcastic tone rang into my ears, making me turn to the direction where it came from. "Oh, good morning," I greeted Jimin who just came down the short staircase.

"Likewise," he lazily replied as he put on his slippers and dragged his way to the kitchen.

"I'm preparing cereals for the both of us," he said as I heard him move around the kitchen. "Kansahamnida," I thanked in advance, my eyes still on the television and my hands on the chips.

After for a few minutes, Jimin called me up to the table. I rose from the couch and turned off the television, putting back the chips in the cupboard before heading to the table.

I saw two bowls already filled with milk and cereal. We said a prayer of thanksgiving then started eating after. "You coming?" he suddenly asked after eating a spoon of his cereal. I thought about it for a second. "Oh you mean the sleepover party?" I replied then ate a spoonful of mine.

He nodded, munching on the cereal flakes. "I don't want to, but Soyeon wants me to. Are you?" Jimin casually shrugged. "The boys are comin' so why not," Jimin answered after he had finished drinking the milk from his bowl. He walked to the sink and placed his dirty dish there. I followed after him as soon as I had finished mine. He started washing since it was his schedule of washing the dishes.

I got upstairs and headed to the bathroom to take a bath. "Bring all the stuff you need, Hoseok's offering us a ride after lunch!" he yelled from the kitchen. "Alright!" I shouted back then sulked as I got in the bathroom. "I could have driven my own motorbike if it wasn't broken," I mumbled to myself, sighing. I took a long bath then prepared all the stuff I needed not long after.


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