009: Let's Play a Game

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Jiwoo was obviously late, yet she boldly entered the classroom like nothing happened.

Before she could find an empty seat, Ms. Jung, their math teacher and at the same time their class adviser called out, "Ms. Park, care to explain why you were late?" All eyes were on her as they awaited for her answer.

"I helped a teacher." Her lame excuse made the whole class burst in soft laughter. Her classmates did not believe such excuse, but Jiwoo knew this guillable teacher would.

"Alright, take a seat beside Mr. Kim."

Karma was faster than she thought.

Unhappy, Jiwoo groaned as she took a seat beside Taehyung, but he did not look happy neither. The little game they played yesterday was unsettled and pretty much annoyed each other. They were enemies after all. The tension between them was undeiably felt by their classmates.

The atmosphere between them worsened when they heard two students talking about the both of them.

"He's the #1 playboy," one student said, supposedly pointing at Taehyung. "She's the #1 playgirl," the other student said, pointing at Jiwoo as well. The two students said it softly yet intentionally loud for only Taehyung and Jiwoo to hear.

"But who's the #1 player?" they both chorused. That was the biggest question yet to be answered. Jiwoo's and Taehyung's fists clenched at that statement.

"Heard they're in a relationship," the first student said to the other. "Who's toying who?" the other replied.

"Jiwoo is played by Taehyung! He's a better player." Jiwoo snickered.

"No, Taehyung is played by Jiwoo! She's a better player." Now it was Taehyung's turn to snicker at the other's statement.

When the bell rang, Taehyung and Jiwoo were the first ones to rush out of the classroom to their next classes. All eyes were on them until they finally exited the classroom.

"What's up with them?" The classmates asked themselves, wondering. Amidst the confusion within the class, two students smirked to themselves.


"What do you want, demon?"

It was lunch time when Taehyung called Jiwoo up to the school garden. Taehyung's back faced her while both of his hands were in his pockets, eyes closed to indulge the serenity of the place.

The school garden was indeed peaceful. Tall trees faced one another, their branches covering the rays of the sun that seeped through the leaves. The calm breeze was silently passing by, rustling the grass, bushy plants, and flowers. The birds resting on branches of trees chirped beautiful and calming tones.

"Oh, you're here. You destroyed the peace." Taehyung's voice was surprisingly calm as he turned around to face Jiwoo.

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