011: Let the Games Begin

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Jiwoo's POV

Lunch break was over, and all of the students headed to their corresponding classes. I sighed in relief, knowing that Soyeon and I had the same class which was Physics.

Walking to our first class after lunch break, she would not stop squealing. I groaned, not able to do anything to stop her from doing so. "Tae and Jiwoo sitting on the tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G~" she sang, earning a deep, frustrated sigh from me. Guess I had to endure this.

We both entered the classroom, heading our way to the back. I let out another groan when I saw someone already sitting on my usual spot, the chair closest to the window at the back, sleeping. "Whatever," I muttered to myself, clearly not in the mood to argue with anyone today.

The class then exchanged greetings with the teacher who just came in. "Surprise quiz today," Mr. Lee announced in a smug face, earning lots of groans from the whole class. I, on the other hand couldn't care less. Oh well.

I got myself a sheet of paper as my other hand traveled to my pocket, not feeling anything inside aside from my handkerchief. "Shit," I mumbled, realizing that I left my pen in my locker this morning. I wondered how I did not notice this when I had my morning classes. I face palmed, remembering they were all lectures and I clearly did not take notes.

"Psst." I softly called to Soyeon who was seated to my right. She slightly turned her head to my direction. "Yeah?"

"Do you have an extra pen?" I asked, hoping to get a yes. Instead, she shook her head. "Why don't you have an extra pen?" I asked her in a whiny tone. "Why don't you have an even have one single pen?" she retorted.

"You slammed my locker door before I could get mine," I countered back. "Good point. But mianhae, I really don't have a spare one," she said. I murmured a thanks then let out a sigh, deciding to boldly ask everyone in my vicinity if they had one.

However, their answers were all the same. "Just my luck." I rolled my eyes. I would choose not to take the quiz but this was Mr. Lee, 'the ultimate sender of students to detention'. Aish, I need to get a pen as soon as possible.

Wait, there was still one more person.

My face turned to the left finding the guy still sleeping on his armchair. I moved a bit closer, now noticing his features. I groaned. Did it have to be fucking Taehyung?

"Yah." I called softly. No response. "Yah," I repeated, my voice a bit louder than before.

"What?" he responded, yawning though not bothering to spare me a glance. "Do you have an extra pen?" I hated to admit it but he was pretty much my last hope in this situation.

He straightened himself up, looking like a person who just woke up in the morning. He ruffled his hair, making it even messier than it already was.

He finally looked at me. "Oh Jiwoo?" A smirk was then plastered on his face, earning a sigh from me. "Do you have a spare one?" I repeated.

"An extra pen?" he asked, and I nodded. He moved his hand in his pockets then out, revealing a pen into view. I felt relieved, reaching out to get his pen. "Great! Now may I borro-"

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