027: This Time

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starring: kim soo hyun

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starring: kim soo hyun

The two boys ran across the grassy field, their little legs fiddling around the soccer ball. The younger slipped under his brother's legs and managed to kick the ball. "Goal!" Taehyung yelled, jumping out of victory. "Alright, alright you beat me this time." His older brother, Soohyun, pulled his younger brother into a playful headlock while the little one only grinned.

"Gosh, you're all muddy!" The mother rushed to her two sons who giggled at her remark. She pinched both their cheeks. "Stand tall, I'm taking pictures!"

The two boys slung their arms across each other's shoulders, smiling as their mother snapped a photo.

Five years had passed since the death of his older brother. Taehyung solemnly walked through the entrance of the cemetery as he was greeted by the gatekeeper who knew him due to his consistent visits. He brought with him glass candles and a small bouquet of flowers.

He reached his brother's grave and dropped the bouquet right beside his name, Kim Soohyun. He lit the candles and offered a short prayer for his soul.

"How is it up there, Soohyun-hyung? I missed you so much."

"Hyung..." Taehyung whined, clinging onto his brother's leg, "...don't leave me." Soohyun sighed and stooped down to meet his younger brother.

Aside from mutually agreeing on a divorce, their parents decided to remain civil. Because of their decision, the two brothers had to separate under the custody of each parent; Taehyung with their father while Soohyun with their mother.

"Don't worry Taehyungie. Mom said we can still meet and play from time to time," he said as he wiped the tears on his brother's cheeks. Soohyun pulled Taehyung into a warm embrace as he finally let go of his leg.

Soohyun smiled, "Even if we're far apart, I'll always be with you."

Taehyung sat on the grass and hugged his knees, picking on the dandelions near his brother's grave. "Soohyun-ah," he started as he sniffled. "I'm dropping the honorifics, I'm almost the same age as you."

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