015: Ditch

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Jiwoo softly opened her eyes, still not wanting to wake up. She closed her eyes shut, rolling her body to the other side of her bed to make most of the minutes to sleep before her alarm would ring.

A few minutes had passed. Her alarm would have set off by now. Meh, more time to sleep then. She shrugged off the thought and went back to sleep.

It had been about 20 minutes, and Jiwoo wasn't up from her bed yet. The sun's rays were peeking on her window, shining ever so brightly. Aside from the birds chirping outside, the household was completely silent. She hadn't heard any of Jimin's light snores from the other side of the room too.

Today's morning feel a little unusual, she thought both half-asleep and half-awake. She decided to glance at the other side of the room to see whether Jimin was still there sleeping.

But he wasn't.

Jiwoo sat up quickly and rubbed her eyes, her mind trying to process the scene. No signs of Jimin anywhere, but a sticky note atop his bed.

She quickly scurried her way to his bed and detached the sticky note pasted atop his pillow. She read the message written in Jimin's scribbled handwriting,

hey dongsaeng,

since you stayed up a little bit late talking with taehyung last night, i thought you might need more time to sleep ;)) plus, i turned off your alarm.

guess who's getting late now? obviously not me ;P

-your handsome bro, chim-chim♥

"That midget fucker," Jiwoo silently cursed, dropping the note as she ran towards the bathroom as quickly as possible.


"You won't be late, and you won't get detention. You won't be late, and you won't get detention," Jiwoo chanted as she dashed her way to school, constantly checking the time on her watch.

At last, she arrived at her class as she leaned on the back door, panting quite heavily and wiping the sweat off her face. Just a second after, the professor arrived.

She arrived just in time, and never was she so relieved. As she took a seat and as the professor shared his greetings to the class, Jiwoo shot death glares at Jimin who was diagonally three chairs in front of her.

Jimin, of course noticed and chuckled to himself. "Mission accomplished."

Morning classes went by quickly. The bell rang, and everyone rushed to the cafeteria. Jiwoo and Soyeon sat on their usual lunch table, chitchatting about mostly anything. 

"... and because of that I was almost late to class!" Jiwoo exclaimed, finishing her rant to Soyeon who was only laughing at her.

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