002: Call

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One more week to go.

August was nearing its end. That also meant that their two-week break of the first semester was too. Second semester was coming this late August.

Jiwoo had exited the cafe in an annoyed expression. While wandering around the city and thinking about things, Jiwoo suddenly received a call from her bestfriend, Soyeon.

"Yeoboseyo?" she spoke calmly through the phone, only earning a yell from Soyeon. "Yah Jiwoo! Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Mianhae," Jiwoo appologized, sounding slightly irritated. Soyeon noticed the irritation in her voice. "From the sound of it, I guess you just ended things with another fling, am I right?"

"Yeah, I walked out of our date and dumped him," Jiwoo replied as she let out a light, amused chuckle. "Bitch, no way. Why'd you do that?" Soyeon chuckled over the phone, not that surprised.

Jiwoo rolled her eyes amusingly then answered, "We met and dated for a day, but he eventually claimed that he loved me." She continued to walk along the sidewalks.

"Infatuations and men..." Soyeon sighed in disbelief, earning a nod from Jiwoo.

"Break's over. We're heading to school in a week," Soyeon groaned. Jiwoo chuckled, "Let's make most of the week before we go back to hell, err I mean school." The bestfriends laughed cheekily over the phone together.

"Before we get to work on our homeworks again," Jiwoo complained, laughing a bit.

Soyeon added, laughing as well, "Before we get to deal with annoying teachers again."

Jiwoo scoffed over the line, "Before we get to meet jerks and bitches at school again."

Soyeon teased, "You mean before you get to meet Taehy-"

"Hush, hush, hush now dear one," Jiwoo silenced Soyeon who only gave her an evil chuckle. "First, you can't say your brother's name. It's a bad word after all. Second, I would never want to meet that demon again." She joked however quite seriously.

"Aish, why are my bestfriend and brother enemies? He has a name you know," Soyeon joked. She added, "Why do you guys hate each other? I mean, you guys are compatible." 

Jiwoo answered, scoffing, "I don't like his guts. he's arrogant, insolent, and a player."

"First of all, you're talking shit about him to his own sister. Second, you're a player yourself?" Soyeon pointed out, grinning.

Jiwoo rolled her eyes, smiling in defeat. "You're right."

She added, "It still doesn't change the fact that he's a reincarnation of a demon though." Jiwoo's statement made the both of them laugh.

"No objections to that," Soyeon remarked. "Anyways, meet me at the club where we usually go to." Jiwoo hummed a yes.

"We're having a girls week starting today. No boyfriends. No flings. Just the two of us, alright?" Jiwoo felt Soyeon smirking over the phone.

"Yeah, sure. All for my bestie." A smile crept to Jiwoo's face, lifting her up from the bad mood she was feeling earlier. We're heading back to school in a week. Tch, nothing bad would happen right?

Or so she thought.


only if you're interested lmao hehe:

schools in south korea (seoul)

the academic year in state schools starts at the beginning of march and runs through until mid-july. the second semester starts at the end of august and continues until mid-february. within these semesters, schools also schedule two-week long breaks.

seasons in south korea

spring is from march to may. summer from june to august. autumn from september to november. winter from december to february.

story system

the characters go to the school, seoul pop university. the school is well-known especially in the fields of art, singing, and dancing. their first semester had ended, and the students will be heading back to school for the second semester.

(it was supposed to be seoul university only but the author thinks that there is such in real life; the author apologizes for the lame school name)

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