25 ✞ come back

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in the following few chapters we will mainly focus on jungkook and taehyung getting close. It could take a little while, since people don't fall in love in two days of course, therefore it could get a little boring, but they need to 'fall in love' first in order for the 'drama' to happen. so yea !

happy reading:)

On his way back to Taehyung's castle, Jungkook spotted the said male hanging around outside in the back of the castle. Jungkook ran quickly to a wall and pressed his body against it, walking slowly and quietly towards the back of the castle, where Taehyung was.

He hid against the wall hoping Taehyung wouldn't see him. Jungkook peeked his head to take a look at what Taehyung was doing. He seemed to be standing there, doing nothing. His back facing Jungkook of course. Jungkook furrowed his brows. Why is he just standing there

"I thought I told you I didn't want to see you here." suddenly spoke the older in a stern voice, turning to face Jungkook.

Jungkook was against the wall, looking at him shocked. After a few seconds of just starring at Taehyung , he cleared his throat, "H-How did you kn-"

"I can feel your presence." responded Taehyung before he finished his sentence.

Jungkook made an Oh' face and stepped out of the wall shyly, since the older had already noticed him.

"Why are you still here." said Taehyung sternly yet again. Jungkook gulped softly and looked around, thinking of what to respond.

"A-As I said.. I'm staying." answered Jungkook stuttering a bit, but still managing to make it sound confident. Taehyung chuckled and scoffed, "No the fuck you're not." he said and abruptly grabbed Jungkook's wrist making the younger gasp softly at the harshness. They both looked into each other's eyes for a moment, silence filling the atmosphere.

Feeling Taehyung's piercing gaze, Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't help but to feel intimidated by the older, in a good way. His eyes were just so powerful, if that makes sense. The way his lips rested into a straight line. The way his raven hair covered half of his pale forehead. Dammit he was truly majestic.

In the older's point of view, Taehyung starred into Jungkook's big eyes. Filled with innocence and purity. Short thin eyelashes that only made his eyes look more adorable. Taehyung's eyes slowly traveled down Jungkook's face, to his lips. Smooth rosy thin upper lip and full bottom lip. Kissable looking lips.

At the breathtaking sight of the younger, Taehyung suddenly softened. He let go of Jungkook's wrist and cleared his throat, "Just go away."

"No" replied Jungkook with a small smile. Even if Taehyung keeps telling him to go away, he was not going to listen. He was gonna stay. Force him to get used to him.

Taehyung narrowed his eyes and looked at the younger, "No?" "Do I have to personally drag you back to where you belong?" said Taehyung. Jungkook could tell that there was a hint of seriousness in his tone, but he didn't care. In order to have Taehyung 'accept' him, he had to disobey him. He knew it would annoy Taehyung, but it would eventually make him give up and just accept him.

"You will have to get used to me, your majesty" said Jungkook confidently with an innocent smile playing on his lips. Taehyung scoffed and muttered to himself, "Unbelievable" , he rolled his eyes and walked away leaving Jungkook alone smiling to himself in victory.

His plan from now on was to make Taehyung open up to him. Knowing somewhat of what Taehyung has gone through at such young age, Jungkook felt the need to change him. To make him overcome those deaths. To make him open up to him, loosen up. Whatever it was, he needed to get close to him.

He knew Taehyung wasn't the villain here, someone else was. Maybe his father? Or maybe someone he doesn't even know of?

Anyone but Taehyung. And he was going to find that out as well eventually.

A sudden noise behind him interrupted Jungkook's thoughts. Jungkook turned around but there was nothing behind him. A little paranoid, he gulped and turned back around as he heard a noise again. As if someone was sneaking around him yet he couldn't see. Just when Jungkook was about to walk away from there a little freaked out, he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. Jungkook jumped scared and turned around.

"Hiii!" excitedly exclaimed Jimin. Jungkook's tense body relaxed down and he sighed in relief. Then he smacked Jimin on his arm. "You almost gave me a heart attack Jimin-ssi!" whined Jungkook as he sent annoyed glares at his friend. Jimin bursted into laughter, "sorry I was trying to practice my demon powers, it's been long since I've used them!" giggled Jimin and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Jiminie remember when I told you I need your help in getting physically closer to Taehyung?" suddenly asked Jungkook and Jimin nodded, "how can I start? How did you start with Yoongi hyung?" he asked.

Jimin thought about it for a second, trying to remember him and Yoongi's first encounter. "Well Yoongi and I met randomly. You know I'm always in both sides, sometimes I could be hanging around in Mr. Kim Namjoon's empire or here, in Mr. Kim Taehyung's." he started.

"One day I was hanging around through the surroundings of this castle and Yoongi was guarding the doors. He spotted me and because of my white hybrid wing he thought I was an angel. He walked through me and threatened my life telling me that I had 5 minutes to run away or he was going to kill me and bring my head to Mr. Kim. And that's when I fell in love with him." confessed Jimin.

Jungkook looked at him rather confused, "you fell in love with him because he threatened your life?"

Jimin giggled and nodded his head, "Maybe." he admitted. "After that I just obeyed his words and left. But I came back ever single day, to annoy him. Every single day it was the same thing; he pushed me away and told me to leave, to go away, threatened my life. But I continued to comeback every single day. Until he gave up and slowly started to actually enjoy my company. We slowly started to joke around, laugh with each other, stay quiet with each other, sometimes even argue with each other for dumb reasons such as why was I so annoying," Jimin giggled, "and then we slowly started to feel for each other" Jimin finished.

Jungkook just looked at him visualizing what Jimin has told him. He smiled at the thought, "aww"

"In other words all I did was stay there every time he told me to go away. And that's how it happened." Jimin shrugged as he spoke.

Jungkook remained quiet as he thought. That's exactly what he needed to do. Stay there even if Taehyung pushed him away.

i want to say, thank you for 400 followers! i still remember when i only had 16 followers, thank you so much :) ! ilyy <3

also I've seen some people confused in the comments, so taehyung's mother was killed at the battle with the angels back when Taehyung's father was "in life" . The demons assume an angel killed her because, why would an own demon kill its queen?
at the end of that battle Taehyung's father was cursed into the mirror by hoseok who was ordered to do so by namjoon  (since only demons can jinx, hex or curse)

that's that

as for y/n, she and taehyung met later on,when he was more of a teenager, then y/n was found dead by a golden arrow, which belongs to angels. So he assumes an angel killed her, but nobody actually knows who killed her.

i hope i cleared any confusions sorry about that :)

and also sorry for writing such short chapters i know. i don't really like long ass chapters xD

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