6 ✞ tour

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Three maids came into the room with some big food plates and set them down in the table. One plate had raw meet in it. Jungkook looked at it in disgust. Taehyung noticed and grinned, "Don't worry. Thats for me. I had the maids make japanese fluffy pancakes for you."

Jungkook slowly nodded with his head and remained quiet.

Yoongi soon came back in and sat by Taehyung. They both started serving themselves some of the raw meet with some other vegetables and side dishes that were in the table as well.

Why are they eating these type of foods as breakfast? Do they not know what breakfast is?

Another maid came in with a tray of drinks and set them on the table as well.

Soon the same maid came back with Jungkook's plate and set it on the table as well. They all picked up their forks and started eating quietly.

Jungkook kept his gaze on the food as he was intimidated by both males on the table, specially Taehyung.

Taehyung cleared his throat, "So.. Jeon Jungkook it is?"
Jungkook picked up his glass of water nervously and took a sip, nodding. "Use your words." Taehyung stated. "Y-yes.." responded Jungkook on a low voice, still keeping his gaze on the table. "Very nice to meet you." said Taehyung with a small smirk. Jungkook didn't respond still not facing Taehyung.

"So tell me Kook , what were you and your little friend Jimin trying to do down here, where you don't belong?" as Taehyung mentioned Jimin Yoongi grinned a bit. Jungkook took a small breath before answering. "j-Jimin just wanted to show me his crush or something like that..i promise we didn't do anything wrong s-sir, please let me go" Jungkook confessed.

"Oh yes you did something wrong, you did wrong on coming here" said Taehyung. "you made the mistake on coming into my property. Now here you stay."


After that breakfast session, Jungkook was sent back to his "room".

What exactly did Taehyung want with him? I mean why didn't he just let him go?

Jungkook sighed and a knock was heard on the door, soon followed by Yoongi opening it. "Hello, Jungkook." he said. Jungkook slowly moved aback. Jungkook wasn't sure how to act, Yoongi also intimated him a little bit.. I mean who wouldn't be intimated by someone that always has a blank expression and is Kim Taehyung's best friend?

Yoongi noticed this and said, "Don't be scared of me, I won't harm you" he assured. "Believe it or not, I am here to help you, and I don't want Taehyung to harm you."

Jungkook looked up at him easing up a little bit as he said this.

Was Yoongi being honest? Could Jungkook trust him?

Yoongi walked up to him and sat next to him on the corner of the bed. "Jimin brought you here with the intentions to see me, didn't he?" Yoongi chuckled slowly. Jungkook slowly smiled and nodded. "He's always getting himself and other's in trouble" Yoongi stated and Jungkook confirmed. A moment of silence came in. Jungkook looked around not sure what to do.

"You're bored, aren't you? Want to walk around and give you a little tour?" Yoongi asked. "S-sure" Jungkook agreed. "Here follow me. Make sure to stay by my side all the time, and don't try to runaway- that will only get you into trouble. Understood?" Said Yoongi walking up to the door. "Y-yes.." Jungkook responded lowly. "Alright. Let's go." said Yoongi and both walked out the room.

They both walked through the hallways. It was a bit dark, the lights were dimmed. They turned left to the first door seen.

"This is the 'meeting room' " Yoongi said and opened the door. There was a wide empty table and a stack of different wines and other alcoholic drinks and that was it. It was a plain room. "This is where we meet whenever we have an emergency or something important to discuss or announce to the people in our castle." said Yoongi.

They soon exited and moved on with their little tour. As they walked through the hallways there were two more normal looking doors. "Those are just empty guest rooms." Yoongi mentioned as they walked by.

By the end of the hallway there was a bigger door. "This is an indoor garden" said Yoongi as he opened the door. Jungkook's mouth slightly opened as he looked around. There was a big crystal ceiling, with flowers and bushes everywhere, and a small fountain in the middle of the garden. The sound of the water hitting the ground of the fountain was very calm, and the smell of flowers and nature as well. It was almost as if they weren't in hell. This place felt so magical and special for some reason. Jungkook could feel it. This place is definitely not meant to be in hell, is it? Why does it feel so special?

"This is so beautiful.." Jungkook said amazed. Yoongi smiled softly and nodded, "It truly is."

Jungkook walked more inside and walked around the garden, observing the beautiful flowers. All the flowers were red though, of course. He walked up to the fountain and noticed there were some koi fish in there. "Jungkook smiled to himself. One thing he really loved were all kinds of animals. (a/n: fish aren't animals- but you know where i'm going)

He took a last overlook at the beautiful place of an indoor garden and walked up to the door were Yoongi was standing waiting for him, "You like it?" he asked. "Yes" Jungkook responded with a small smile. Yoongi gently smiled and closed the door behind them and they continued to walk. They headed downstairs. "This is the main entrance" there was a wide door and black marble tiles as the floor. There wasn't anything in the entrance. It was just the main door a big space. The main entrance, nothing special.

Yoongi continued walking and Jungkook followed behind. They entered a familiar room, "The dining room, where we were earlier this morning. And then the kitchen back there"

They continued walking to another hallway. This hallway seemed familiar. Then Jungkook remembered, this was the same hallway were him and Jimin were wandering around.

"We won't walk much through here, as there's not much to show." Yoongi stated. "Over here we have the Potion room. There our witches and wizards practice potions." explained Yoongi as he pointed to a door at their left.

They had witches here too?

Jungkook nodded and looked at the end of the hallway. He noticed the same door he saw that day. The one that had a 'Keep out' sign scribbled on it. He suddenly remembered the screams he heard from coming from that room, and what he saw.

Fear came to him as soon as he remembered what was happening. What was that? Why was there a person screaming in agony surrounded by fire? Why was the person laying on an unfamiliar figure drawn on the floor? He had so many questions going on. He gathered some courage and decide to ask Yoongi.

"W-what is that room at the end of the hallway? the one with the keep out sign.." Jungkook asked in a low voice. Yoongi remained quiet for a moment.

"In that room they made sacrifices and punished those who were not loyal to the King or his rules." Yoongi said. "All I have to say is stay away from this room. You will get in trouble if you're found here, and you might put yourself in danger. Don't come near this place. You understand?" said Yoongi. A little bit confused Jungkook nodded.

What was there that could possibly put him in danger? What was there?

and Who did they make sacrifices to?


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