2 ✞ hell

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With a loud thud on the floor, both boys were groaning as they laid on the floor.

"Where are we..?", Jungkook groaned, rubbing his aching forehead as he got up from the floor.

"Welcome to hell!", Jimin squealed smiling into Jungkook's face excitedly, making the younger jump back.

Once Jungkook got up all the way he looked around the other world so called 'hell'. The so called 'dangerous' and 'evil' world. Where darkness runs. Darkness as including Kim Taehyung.

"Why is it so dark in here?", Jungkook asked as he looked around, slightly scared of the dark aura this place had.

"It's 'hell' duh," Jimin rolled his eyes and giggled. "It's always dark here, the sun never comes out", Jimin continued and Jungkook nodded.

"Now let's go I wanna show you my crush!!" , Jimin squealed again, giggling flustered.

Both boys started walking towards the palace. Kim Taehyung's palace. Jungkook always following Jimin behind since all this was new to him.

After a few minutes, they arrived infront of a tall, dark, huge palace. Not as big as Kim Seokjin's and Kim Namjoon's but still big.

Jimin stopped walking for a moment making Jungkook wonder, "What's wrong ji-" Jungkook was cut off as he was pushed back behind a bush by Jimin, "Shh! there are demon guardians surrounding the whole place do you wanna die?!" Jimin whispered. "Aish~..sorry", Jungkook pouted cutely, "how are we supposed to get in then?", he continued.

Jimin giggled and looked around, "You just follow me~", he said playfully and stepped away of the bush, Jungkook following behind.

Jimin (with Jungkook) walked all the way towards the back of the palace, sneaking into one of the back entrances, which led them to a wide plain room. There was a shelf with odd looking books and vases, and torches with fire on each corner of the room.

"Where are we..?", Jungkook asked as he looked around, wondering for what all these strange books and vases with unknown liquids on them were for.

"This is where they practice spells and curses and some other sinister things you wouldn't want to know", Jimin explained smiling as he also looked around. Jungkook nodded still a bit confused, but decided to not ask about it. Jimin took his hand and led him into a door, "now let's go I still have to show you my crush~", Jimin proceeded blushing. He opened the door slowly and quietly, and looked around making sure there was no one around. No one being around for the moment, Jimin continued to walk through a hallway quietly, with the younger boy behind him.

After a few more minutes of walking through those halls that were like a maze, Jimin, and Jungkook following behind, stopped in front of a plain black door.

"This is where he usually is..his room~!" Jimin squealed excitedly. Jimin turned the doorknob but it got stuck.

"Hmm..his room is locked. He must be somewhere else then" Jimin stated. He took out a bobby pin from his pocket and started sticking it inside the doorknob. While Jimin was focused on opening the door, he didn't noticed Jungkook had left his side.


While Jimin attempted to open the door, the curious little boy went exploring more of the place. Jungkook walked down the dark hallways looking around curiously. This was such a interesting place. So much different than his home. He wondered why Namjoon and Jin talked about it such as a dangerous place. He kinda liked it.

ahh..what an innocent little boy~

As Jungkook walked through the hallways, he stopped as he suddenly heard terrifying screams of agony coming from not so far. He turned around and started following the screams, until they got closer and louder.

He stopped in front of a door with a 'keep out." scribbled on it in dark charcoal. The screams were coming from there, for sure. He silently put his hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly.

His eyes widened as he saw what was going down in that room. (a/n: 🌚- ok no sorry)

In the room, he saw three people. One was calling out these unfamiliar words he had never heard, while the other two were holding someone down around a pentagon drawn on the floor, fire surrounding it.

Those horrible cries of agony were coming from a poor human being burned alive.

As Jungkook continued to watch the horrible scene in front of him, he felt his heart beat getting faster and faster. He felt sick and closed the door quickly, not wanting to watch anymore.

What was that? Why would they do that to a poor person?. So many questions were going through his mind right now.

As he turned around ready to get out of that aisle as soon as possible, he bumped into someone.

"Ahh!" He jumped scared as he looked up.

"Who are you." A pale-skinned young man with an emotionless face said firmly, looking down at the miserable scared boy as he hold onto him by his shoulders.

"I- I- .." Jungkook stuttered as words wouldn't come out of his mouth. The pale man scoffed and dragged the boy with him down the dark hallways.

"L-let me go-!" Jungkook struggled trying to get out of the pale man's strong grip. The man ignored the young boy as they continued to walk.

After about 4 minutes, they stopped in front of another door. A bigger one.

"*knock knock*" The pale man knocked on the door as he held onto Jungkook.

"Come in." A deep voice was heard on the other side of the door. The pale man turned the doorknob and dragged Jungkook inside with him.

"I have found this unfamiliar boy going through our palace. I fear he doesn't belong here." The pale man, yoongi, spoked.

"Going through our palace? my palace? hm" The other man, who had wide pitch black wings and long dark nails said deeply.

"Yes, Taehyung." Yoongi said.

"Bring him closer." Taehyung demanded. Yoongi took the trembling boy and walked him towards Taehyung.

"Well, well, well. What we got here? A little angel huh?" Taehyung said as he examined the little boy, Jungkook.

Taehyung grabbed the boy by his face (a/n: just like the cover photo) and looked at him directly in the eyes.

"What are you doing here and where did you come from." Taehyung said in a low, firm voice to Jungkook. Those dark, defined eyes starring right into Jungkook's big, innocent brown eyes.

"I- I came from t-the Kim's P-palace" Jungkook said as a tear of fear came down his cheek. Taehyung smirked as he heard what the boy has just said. Poor innocent boy, he didn't know he had just made an error by telling Taehyung that information.

" oh well. look's like the Kim couple will have to look for a little belonging~"


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