By the time the angels came back up, it was now 4 am, since they left at midnight."Mr. Kim! We need urgent health care for Hoseok! I'm not quite sure what happened but he's passed out!" holding Hoseok's heavy body, Hyunjin bashed inside the main room where Namjoon was sitting down on his throne, anxiously waiting for news, or to be exact, Jungkook.
Where's Jungkook.
"Where's Jungkook?!" was the first thing Namjoon asked.
Hyunjin looked down for a moment before speaking, "I'm guessing he couldn't make it.." said Hyunjin referring to Hoseok failing to bring Jungkook back.
Namjoon remained silent, disappointment on his face.
But he couldn't blame Hoseok, nor anyone. It was kind of expected. And right now what mattered was Hoseok's life.
"Take him to the maids, they'll take care of him" said Namjoon referring to Hoseok, "hopefully it's nothing serious" he sighed.
"Yes sir." Hyunjin nodded and left the room immediately taking Hoseok to the maids. He made his way to the usual room where maids would usually be taking a break at. There were only about three maids in there, guessing the rest of them where asleep since it was still pretty early.
"Goodmorning Soobin, Mina and Yuri." greeted Soobin as he entered, the maids lightly bowed at him saying Good morning back.
"I fear he suffered an attack from Kim Taehyung," started Hyunjin and the maids looked at each other with worry on their faces, "he's unconscious, could you guys please take care of him and make sure he's okay?" politely asked Hyunjin to the three woman in front of him.
"Of course," sweetly replied one of the maids, Soobin. Hyunjin placed Hoseok on a sofa that was present in the room, "Thank you! I'll come back later to check up on him. Have a peaceful morning." thanked Hyunjin and walked away, leaving the maids take care of Hoseok.
After all the angels were finally gone from his kingdom, Taehyung placed the sleeping boy, Jungkook, on his bed. On Taehyung's bed.
Just to make sure he doesn't attempt to scape when he wakes up. Of course...
Yeah totally that..
"Ugh! why are you so heavy but not at the same time" complained Taehyung to himself as he placed Jungkook on his bed.
He starred at him for a bit. He looked so, peaceful. His eyes shut, soft lashes resting against each other. His raven locks lightly brushing against his forehead. Chest rising up and down slowly, as he exhaled gently waves of air.
Oh did he look beautiful.
Taehyung couldn't deny it. Jeon Jungkook was truly one of the most gorgeous angel he'd ever seen.
Even prettier than Y/n, he'd dared to think.
Taehyung looked at Jungkook's face once again, rosy cheeks, looked so smooth.
So smooth. Taehyung thought to himself as he gently brushed his fingers against Jungkook's rosy cheek.
Shortly after realizing what he was doing, Taehyung pushed his own hand back.
Gosh wtf are you even doing Taehyung. He cringed to himself.
Brushing all his thoughts away, Taehyung stood up and left Jungkook there on the bed, he walked away closing his door behind him, leaving the boy sleeping on his room. There's no way he was gonna stay there with him. That would be too caring.
<< few hours later; 10 am now>>
*knock knock* Hyunjin knocked on the door of the room where he had left Hoseok earlier.
"Come in" one of the maids replied and Hyunjin opened the door softly, "Hello, how is he doing?" asked Hyunjin as he closed the door behind him.
"He's awake now," started Soobin, "it looks like he hit his head during whatever happened and a small fracture was caused," she said and looked at Hoseok whose eyes were now open as he laid down on the couch, holding a small ice pouch at the back of his head, "but it's nothing serious, he just needs to rest." said Soobin.
Hyunjin nodded and walked up to Hoseok, "How do you feel?" he asked Hoseok.
"A bit light headed, but overall okay." replied Hoseok with a small grunt.
"That's good. Well I'll get going now, I'm gonna go get a nap for a little bit, I'm exhausted." yawned Hyunjin and walked up to the door, "I believe King Namjoon will come in a little bit to see you. Get well soon Hoseok." he said and left the room.
Mina walked up to Hoseok and handed him some pills, "here mr. Jung, these will help with your light headed." she gently smiled and Hoseok grabbed the pills. Yuri came from behind him and handed him a glass with room-temperature water.
"Thanks." he said softly.
A knock on the door was heard, followed by the door being opened, revealing Namjoon. The three maids bowed down to the King respectfully.
"Hello Hoseok, Soobin, Mina and Yuri." he greeted, "how has he been doing?" asked Namjoon.
"He's better now, it looks like he hit his head and fractured it a little bit, he just needs rest." briefly explained Soobin.
"Very well, thank you girls. You may take the rest of the day off, you've been up since 3 am." kindly Namjoon dismissed the three maids.
"Thank you so much mr. Kim." all three of them bowed at the same time and left the room, leaving Namjoon and Hoseok alone.
"I'm sorry mr.Kim! I- I really tried to get Jungkook, I almost made it- but we bumped into Taehyung. I apologize it's my fault mr. K-" Hoseok's desperate words were interrupted by Joon.
"Calm down Hoseok. Its okay. Hyunjin already told me. Its not your fault. You did what I told you to and even though we failed, you still tried your best." assured Namjoon. "As for now just focus on getting better and resting." he said.
Hoseok nodded, "thank you so much." he mentioned.
Namjoon nodded and walked up to the door.
"Wait mr. Kim! There's something I'd like to tell you..." started Hoseok and Namjoon looked at him with attention.
"When we bumped onto Taehyung, he starred at Jungkook for a little bit.. I noticed his iris get bigger in the process,, y-you know what this means; your brain gets a boost of oxytocin and dopamine when you're sexually or romantically attracted to someone, making your pupils dilate." explained Hoseok with a gulp, "Last time Taehyung's pupils dilated was years ago when he met his first 'love' , Y/n." finished Hoseok.
"What are you trying to say Hoseok?" said Namjoon.
Hoseok gulped,
"I fear Kim Taehyung might have an special sentiment towards Jungkook."
hey bbs! follow @gukkwrld on Instagram if u want! (that's my bts collection acc, not my personal hehe)thoughts? am i going too fast? too slow? do y'all like it? yes? no? maybe? pls discuss 🤠
also vote and share if you want ofc <3 see you next chap !

fallen angel [taekook]
Фанфик"Yσմ'ʆʆ ɓε ϯհε հεαѵεη ίη ʍy հεʆʆ" in which jungkook is an angel and taehyung a demon, ϯϯ ----------------- - bottom kook - dom tae (cover photo @to owner) i do not own this fan-art!!! (if you're the original artist and would like it to be removed...