8 ✞ potions room

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w: mature content ahead. if you feel uncomfortable with sexual scenes + words i'd recommend not read.

now for my naughties that asked for yoonmin smut enjoy 😌


Yoongi was on the potions room practicing some potions he needed to learn.

He had a potions book next to him, reading the steps he needed to follow in order for this potion to work. As he read, he poured some of the listed ingredients inside the potion.

Now we wait.

Suddenly a small explosion noise happened and green smoke started coming out the potion. He looked at it in confusion.

Is this supposed to happen?

His eyes traveled back to the book, re-reading the steps and the expected results of the potion, nowhere in the page it said the potion would have a little explosion.

Frustrated he let out a little grunt and slammed the potion off the table annoyed, glass shattering on the floor.

Why am i not getting it? What's so difficult about a fucking potion?

Annoyed, he took the damn potion book and slammed it back on the shelve aggressively.

Suddenly the door was opened a petite figure came inside, shutting the door behind him.

It was Jimin.

"Heyy Yooniee~" Jimin said in a cute low voice. Yoongi gave him a look when he said Yoonie. He hated being called that and Jimin knew it. Jimin giggled at his expression.

"What are you doing here Jiminie?" asked Yoongi leaning against the table. Jimin walked up to him and he noticed the broken glass with liquid splattered on the floor from a few minutes earlier.

"Having a bad day?" Jimin giggled softly. He found it attractive when Yoongi would get mad at silly things.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I've been trying to get this fucking potion for a few days now and I keep messing it up" he explained with stress.

Jimin giggled, "Wanna release that stress with me~?" he asked in a teasingly voice. Yoongi already knew where he was going. And he wasn't complaining.

By this point Jimin was right in front of Yoongi. Yoongi didn't respond and just looked at Jimin. His eyes, his nose, his plump rosy lips- he was truly beautiful. Everything about him was perfect to Yoongi. (a/n: and to me too😻jsjs)

"So-" Jimin was interrupted when Yoongi suddenly crashed his lips against Jimin's. With no hesitation, Jimin kissed him back instantly. Their lips moved together in sync. Tongues trying to fight for dominance. Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's next to have deeper access. The kiss was slow but passionate.

Yoongi pulled away as they both searched for air. Yoongi pecked Jimin's lips slowly moving down to his jaw, down to his neck. He slowly sucked on Jimin's skin, causing the younger one release small moans. Yoongi pulled away from Jimin's neck and took a look at it. He could already see red spots turning darker all over his neck.

Jimin tugged on Yoongi's pants signaling him to take them off. Yoongi smirked, "desperate, aren't we?"

Jimin rolled his eyes with a small blush on his cheeks. Jimin took off his own shirt along with his pants, leaving himself only on his underwear.

Yoongi bit his lip as he watched Jimin undress him self. Then Yoongi took off his own clothes, leaving himself only on his underwear as well.

Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck and connected their lips once again. Without disconnecting their kiss, Yoongi slowly laid Jimin down on the table getting on top off him. Jimin moaned softly against their lips as he started grinding against each other. Clothed members brushing against each other creating friction. Yoongi let out a small grunt as well.

The atmosphere was getting heavier and hotter. Yoongi lips trailed down towards Jimin's collarbone, down to his nipples. Yoongi gently kissed and sucked on Jimin's left nipple, making the younger one moan, "Y-Yoongi" Jimin softly moaned.

"Yes Jimin~?" Yoongi replied with a small smirk.

"P-please touch me more" Jimin moaned out desperately. He wanted Yoongi to touch him all over. To leave his touch on his body. To make him his.

Yoongi smirked. He slowly slipped Jimin's underwear off and threw it somewhere, his hard member instantly popping out. Jimin squirmed a little bit around as the arousal on his body made him desperate for touch. Yoongi looked down at this and smirked, "Already like this and I haven't even gotten inside you yet" Yoongi teased.

He slowly brushed his hand against Jimin's bare member and took a hold of it. He started pumping his hand up and down slowly jerking Jimin off. He teased the head with his thumb by slowly rubbing it. Pre-cum was already dripping off the tip.

Jimin moaned as Yoongi's hand moved up and down faster, making him twitch a bit. Yoongi felt Jimin's member tense up as he was about to cum. Damn Jimin. Can't even stand 5 minutes.

Just when Jimin was about to release himself, Yoongi stopped. Jimin looked at him with sexual frustration plastered on his face, "Why did you stoppp" whined Jimin.

"I don't want you to cum just yet baby" responded Yoongi. He walked towards a shelve that was at the back of the room which had different containers with different liquids and powders inside of them. They were potions of course. He grabbed a container that was at the very end among the other potions and grabbed it, walking back to Jimin.

It was lube. What was lube doing on a potions room-


Yoongi removed his underwear, his hard throbbing member popping up immediately. He opened the container and took some of the product. He spread it on his member, lubricating it. He jerked himself off for a moment before spreading Jimin's legs. He aligned himself with Jimin's entrance, "Are you ready?" he asked.

"Just fucking go inside me already" Jimin whined desperately. Damn. Slowly Yoongi entered his tip causing Jimin to release a whimper. Yoongi bit his lip and entered himself completely. By this point Jimin let out a loud moan and Yoongi grunted lowly. He slowly started thrusting in and out of Jimin, slowly picking up his pace after each thrust.

"mhh~" Jimin moaned out. Yoongi leaned over to Jimin and kissed his lips. He continued to thrust faster as they kissed, both moaning onto each other lips. Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck holding himself onto him.

"Fuck I forgot how good you feel" Yoongi mentioned as he thrusted and Jimin moaned. Jimin started bucking his hips and moving them down onto Yoongi, fucking him back, making Yoongi moan.

Yoongi then increased his pace faster and started thrusting harder, "Y-Yoon-" moaned Jimin out in pleasure, "right th-there"

Yoongi continued to thrust hard and fast into this spot. The room was full of moans, whimpers and groans. The atmosphere was thick and they were both sweating.

"I'm a-almost there" moaned out Jimin. Yoongi bit his lip, "f-fuck me too"

After a few more thrusts, with a loud moan Jimin came hard onto his stomach and a little bit onto Yoongi's too. Following Yoongi came inside of Jimin while he let out a moan as well.

Yoongi pulled out as they were both panting heavily. Jimin's legs were trembling from the recent bust. His cheeks were red, his lips were swollen and his neck was full of hickeys. Chest rising up and down heavily as he tried to catch his breath. Yoongi bit his lip at this view. He looked hot.

"Do you t-think somebody heard us?" Jimin interrupted his thoughts, while still trying to catch his breath.

"Probably." Confirmed Yoongi and both chuckled a little.

Yoongi looked around the room and saw the mess, the broken potion he smashed on the floor earlier, both of their clothes scattered everywhere on the floor and of course- the cum on the table. Yikes. I better clean this up before anyone comes into this room.

i cringed writing this chapter lOl
im not that good at writing smut but hope you enjoyed 😏

btw i'm probably gonna drop small random questions at the end of every chapter. you don't have to answer them but I just thought it would be a fun way to just to kinda get to know each other! :)

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