9 ✞ mirror

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Jungkook was on his room yet again. Just laying on his provided bed, looking at the ceiling. He had a chance to escape yesterday, but he didn't. He really wanted to know what was that keep out room about. Something about it intrigued him. Something was there he could feel it. Plus, what was that thing he saw on that mirror? A ghost perhaps?

The sound of the doorknob twisting woke Jungkook up from his thoughts. The door soon opened revealing a petite figure.

"Jimin!" exclaimed Jungkook. Jimin closed the door behind him and walked towards Jungkook, "Kookiee!" he smiled and sat next to Jungkook.

"How did you get here?" asked Jungkook.

"I came here yesterday and slept over with Yoongi hyung" Jimin giggled and Jungkook smiled, not getting the sleeping part. Jungkook's smile soon faded into a worried look, "Jiminie hyung!! A spider must've bitten you!! look at your neck!" Jungkook said pointing a Jimin's neck"

Jimin looked down at his neck and noticed all the hickeys Yoongi had left yesterday, noticing this, Jimin blushed and scratched the back of his head, looking at Jungkook, "those are not spiders Kookie!" he giggle and Jungkook looked at him with a confused look, " then what are those? are you sick Jiminie?!" worry started showing on his face and voice again.

Jimin giggled once again, "No, they're love bites silly!" he stated and Jungkook once again looked confused, "Love bites? so that means if I bite you right now that means I gave you a love bite because I love you?" asked Jungkook and Jimin giggled.

"No that's not how it works Ggukie" Jimin started, "you will understand once you get one!" he giggled and Jungkook pouted.

"But anywayss, how have you been? Has Taehyung done anything to you? Are you in pain?" asked Jimin worried. Jungkook shook his head no.

"No, not so far.." Jungkook said.

"We need to figure out a plan to get you out of here ggukie, both of us" started Jimin and Jungkook nodded listening to him.

"I thought about three options.." said Jimin, "option one would be to try to convince Yoongi hyung to try to convince Taehyung to let you go, him himself. But of course the probability Taehyung will be convinced is 10%, meaning no. So that leads us to option two, which would be having Yoongi hyung to get us out without getting caught.. this one is dangerous because he would be betraying Taehyung by breaking his orders.. so I'm not sure if Yoongi will agree to this, but ima still try to convince him. Lastly option three would be to attempt to run away like the first time. If we're sneaky enough we won't get caught.." finished Jimin.

"O-Okay.." said Jungkook with unsureness on his voice. He was scared of getting caught by Taehyung. Taehyung scared him.

"w-when would we begin with this?" asked Jungkook.

"Starting today. I will start today trying to convince Yoongi to talk to Taehyung, for now you just don't do anything and don't get in trouble, I will be coming from time to time to let you know how's it going" continued Jimin, "and by the way, Namjoon and Seokjin are really worried about you. Well- everyone in the castle is.." Jimin pouted, "I don't know what they're up to, since Sir Namjoon is disappointed at me.." sighed Jimin and Jungkook pouted.

"But I'm pretty sure they have a plan going on as well Kookie. Trust me they will get you back, we will be back soon" Jimin gave him a comforting smile.


Taehyung was getting dressed when a sudden knock was heard on his door. "Come in." he said buttoning up his black satin button up shirt.

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