After those words had slipped Jungkook's fine lips, Taehyung's tears and whimpers ceased peacefully.
Slowly, both of them released their hold onto each other. Jungkook looked at Taehyung softly, his sharp features were puffed and rosy, the aftermath of crying taking over his face, making him look paler and tired.
As natural as it was starting to become, they both stared into each other's eyes once again for a fast second, though it always felt like forever.
"Let's get out of here." breathed Taehyung suddenly.
"What?" responded Jungkook in confusion. Go where?
Taehyung nodded and said in a more clearer tone, "Come with me."
Jungkook furrowed his brows but didn't verbally reply, he just nodded following along.
"Take my hand," whispered Taehyung. Shyly, Jungkook looked down at Taehyung's hand waiting to be held. Jungkook drew his own hand closer to Taehyung's, finally grabbing it.
Those pale fingers with its sharp black claws whose had perforated his soft skin a couple of times before, were now entwined with Jungkook's soft slender ones.
Jungkook could feel little flying creatures inside his stomach as soon as his skin made contact with Taehyung, making his cheeks turn a gentle shade of pink.
Taehyung looked at Jungkook, "Are you ready?" he said softly.
Jungkook looked at him as though waiting for an explanation to where were they going. They were literally holding hands in the middle of the room. Just standing there. 'Are you ready?' simply didn't make sense-
Taehyung started muttering some inaudible words under his breath, and Jungkook started panicking, bewildered.
What in the world was Taehyung doing-
Everything suddenly went dark and Jungkook felt as though he had been pushed backwards very hard by an invisible force, making him fall into an invisible spinning hole where he couldn't make anything out but darkness.
Then, he felt himself land steadily into a firm ground and finally he was able to open his eyes again. He looked around and carefully observed his surroundings. He was expecting to see a dark, dim atmosphere , perhaps something worse, but instead there were lots of bright green trees and grass decorated with beautiful colorful flowers.
He looked further around and noticed two people sitting below a tree far away. He stared in confusion. Panick started to take over him and he looked around once again searching for Taehyung, but he hadn't seen him.
Where in the world had Taehyung brought him and gone-
"What- w-where am I-"
"Human world." a deep voice behind him said calmly. Jungkook turned towards it and there was Taehyung standing out of nowhere.
Human world?
"What? How? b-but can they-" Jungkook started thinking what would happen if a human saw them, an angel and a demon, just standing there. How would they react?
"They can't see us." said Taehyung.
Oh. Jungkook nodded softly and calmed down. He looked at Taehyung waiting for him to say the reason they were here. Taehyung looked at the human couple sitting below the tree a couple feet far away from them. A man with round glasses and semi-tanned skin caressing his girlfriend's dark hair gently as she laid her head on his lap, starring up at the leaves of the tree and sky above them.

fallen angel [taekook]
Fanfic"Yσմ'ʆʆ ɓε ϯհε հεαѵεη ίη ʍy հεʆʆ" in which jungkook is an angel and taehyung a demon, ϯϯ ----------------- - bottom kook - dom tae (cover photo @to owner) i do not own this fan-art!!! (if you're the original artist and would like it to be removed...