16 ✞ yoongi

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Jungkook's eyes gently fluttered open. With a confused-sleepy face, he looked around. He could've sworn someone was whispering his name just now?

But there was nobody in the room other than him.

This creeped him out a little bit.. but perhaps it was just hell things. Nothing to worry about, right?

Shrugging it off, he took a look at the unfamiliar yet familiar room. This was not his room, but he has seen this room before. It was Taehyung's.

Why am i here

He was still in hell? Ugh. He was hoping to be back home by the time he woke up- and how did he end up in Taehyung's room anyway-

He didn't remember much from last night. He only remembered Hoseok coming to get him. Anything after that he didn't have a clue about.

He slightly groaned as a complain. At this point he was just gonna give up with trying to get back home. What was the point of it? There was no way he could scape Taehyung now.

Guess I'll have to start getting used to here.

He sighed.

He bit his bottom lip and held onto his stomach as it growled loudly. He was so hungry. He hadn't properly eaten for like 3 days.

"Hungry?" a deep voice coming from the door area of the room spoke. Recognizing the voice, Jungkook panicked and looked for its owner. He spotted Taehyung leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, while starring at him.

When did he get here-

He starred back at Taehyung awkwardly. Was he..watching me sleep?

"Relax Kook, I just came right now." randomly responded Taehyung as he already could tell what the younger was thinking about by his face.

"Ah.." shyly nodded Jungkook.

"Go downstairs. There's food for you." Taehyung calmly said.

Was he on a good mood today or what?

"Oh and don't even think about it. Yoongi is right outside waiting for you to escort you down to the dining room." mentioned Taehyung as he walked towards his dresser.

"Yes mr. k-kim.." Jungkook obeyed to his order and stood up from the bed.

When Taehyung got to his dresser he took off his shirt, revealing his mix of pale and tan skin. Jungkook widened his eyes a bit.

Yup I should probably get going now.. Jungkook immediately left the room without saying another word.

Outside, he met with Yoongi who calmly escorted him to the dining room.

"Are you okay?" started Yoongi. Jungkook hummed and looked at him, "ahh y-yea.." he said, "d-do you perhaps know why I woke up on mr. Kim's room..?" asked Jungkook unsure. Yoongi shrugged, "I'm not sure about that Kook, but I surely haven't seen that happen in a long time." mentioned Yoongi. Jungkook tilted his head, "see what happen?" he asked.

As they sat in the living room table, some maids came in with some cooked food and set them in front of Jungkook. Jungkook looked at Yoongi waiting for a response. Yoongi waited for the maids to leave before answering.

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