it's the 3rd of December. Who else didn't get their sweater? 😓
this chapter will only be background on Jungkook and the day he was abandoned
tw!: suicide & sadness
——————————————————————Jeon Jungkook. The ethereal angel boy who mysteriously appeared alone on the streets and was found by the angels queen and king.
Why was he on the streets alone? Where were his parents? Who were his parents?
Jungkook himself didn't have a clue.
The last time he had had his last contact with his parents was that day he got 'abandoned'. He was a child back then. He didn't remember much, barely anything. He couldn't even remember their face features.
All he remembered was the last words they had said to each other before leaving him all alone that night and disappearing forever.
"Honey, a-are you sure about this?" the woman silently cried out, while holding his little child's hand.
The man along with her took a deep sigh, his eyes watering as he tried hard to remain strong, "it's for his own safety, we must do this.." he lowly whispered, "He's just a child.. he must not experience this.."
With tears flooding off her eyes, the woman slowly held both of her child's hands onto hers, she bent down to his height and starred at his big innocent confused eyes for a few seconds, "My darling-" her voice cracked, "Stay here and don't move okay? Daddy and mommy have to go, I love you." she said to the boy, her voice breaking down into sobs.
Without having the ability to understand, the little boy drew his small hand up to his mother's soaking wet cheek, gently pushing her falling tears away with a small smile. The poor boy didn't know what was happening.
The man, or her husband, bent down to the little boys height as well, putting a hand on his shoulder gently, "My little boy.." he started, pain reflected on his voice, "everything will be okay, whatever happens, be strong and don't let yourself go." the man, or his father, said to the clueless boy. He knew the boy didn't understand nothing of what he had just said, nor about what was going on. But it was better off that way.
"We love you...Jungkook." Both of them, the woman and the man said together, both dragging the little boy towards them, hugging him tightly. As tight as ever. Giving him their last hug.
With that, both parents stood up straight, slowly walking away from their child. Leaving him there on a corner of the streets confused and alone.
"Mommy, Daddy, where are you guys going?" loudly said the boy as both parents slowly walked away shredding tears. "We have to go baby," they both lastly said, before complete turning around and continuing to walk away.
"Will you come back?" they could hear Jungkook's voice ask from afar, as they disappeared into obscurity.
Hearing this hurt them. Insanely. All of this hurt them.
But they didn't have an option.
It was this, or be found and murdered, all three of them, including Jungkook, by the current demon king, Taehyung's father.
Later that night, after their painful good-bye, Jungkook's parents walked to the nearest lake.
"Are you ready" asked the man, holding his wife's hand tightly, as they both stood in front of the lake, feet touching the water.

fallen angel [taekook]
Fanfic"Yσմ'ʆʆ ɓε ϯհε հεαѵεη ίη ʍy հεʆʆ" in which jungkook is an angel and taehyung a demon, ϯϯ ----------------- - bottom kook - dom tae (cover photo @to owner) i do not own this fan-art!!! (if you're the original artist and would like it to be removed...