-A strong demonic noise echoed the whole room.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Taehyung's father's voice said in a desperate raged way.
Taehyung held Jungkook in his arms. He was passed out and his body was cold. Taehyung's heart was racing, he had come just in time. He laid Jungkook's body in the floor, far away from the mirror. He then stood up and walked towards the mirror furiously.
"STAY AWAY FROM JUNGKOOK." he shouted. A hiss was heard from within the mirror,
"YOU FOOLISH BOY! I had him on the palm of my hand! You had to come and ruin it Taehyung! Bring the boy over! NOW!"
Taehyung ignored the shouts of his father. He paced around the room desperately. His mind was racing with different thoughts. This mirror was a threat to Jungkook, he had to do something. If he hadn't come in time, Jungkook would have been gone. Taehyung's heart wanted to jump out. Jungkook couldn't continue to be in here anymore, he was not safe. He never was. He should have never came into Taehyung's life.
If him and Jungkook had never met, none of this would be happening right now. Jungkook wouldn't be going through this and Taehyung wouldn't be the way he was changing. Taehyung wouldn't be so weak.
"You are so weak Taehyung! What kind of king are you? He's an angel Taehyung! We must get revenge!" Taehyung's father said.
"No! He doesn't have the fault! He hasn't done anything to us!" said Taehyung.
"His kind have done everything to us Taehyung. Angels are foolish weak creatures! We demons are stronger! We must rule over them. End them. This world belongs to us!" he seethed. "Angels claim to be good beings, Taehyung, but they're not. They're selfish! Remember what they did to your mother Taehyung! They MURDERED HER!"
Taehyung twitched. At the mention of his mother his mind instantly started replaying the scenes. Her body. The pools of blood. The scenery. His cries of desperate agony. It all replayed on his mind so detailed and clear like it happened yesterday.
"My son!" Taehyung's father's voice lowered yet sounded as desperate, "My son, let me out! This kingdom needs guidance! I know you're lost. I know you're hurting. Let me out and I will fix that! I will make you forget about that pain! I will get us both victory! Do this for her my son. Do this for your mother."
Taehyung didn't respond. He kept pacing back and forth desperately. He felt like he would start hyperventilating any moment now. He felt trapped in between two walls. Suffocating.
Perhaps his father was right. Perhaps he was just lost in the everlasting pain of his mother's death. Perhaps he was just in need of guidance. Power.
Perhaps Jungkook was a mistake. A distraction pulling him away of what he really needed to be, the cruel , dangerous , powerful demon king.
Not a weak demon falling for an angel.
"Taehyung," whispered his father, "My dear son, let me assist you. Let me be there with you. Bring the boy and this will all be over!"
Taehyung looked back at Jungkook's passed out body. How he managed to look so ethereal even when passed out? His eyes gently rested, making him look like baby that must be protected at all costs.

fallen angel [taekook]
Fanfiction"Yσմ'ʆʆ ɓε ϯհε հεαѵεη ίη ʍy հεʆʆ" in which jungkook is an angel and taehyung a demon, ϯϯ ----------------- - bottom kook - dom tae (cover photo @to owner) i do not own this fan-art!!! (if you're the original artist and would like it to be removed...