chapter 20

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JASMINE FELL ASLEEP FAIRLY FAST, BUT ASTRA STILL WAITED TWO HOURS BEFORE SHE QUIETLY GOT OUT OF BED. She made sure to keep her steps light and her movements slow as she grabbed her shoes. She swiftly and noiselessly walked over to the door. She froze when Jasmine moved a little bit. After a few moments, the dark-haired girl got still again and Astra decided to slowly turn the doorknob. She cracked the door enough for her to slip through and then quietly shut it behind her. She tried not to get too excited as she slipped her shoes on and started running away from the motel.

A few cars drove by as she began running down the street. She cringed as she realized every step was making a loud impact on the ground. She ran for what felt like forty-five minutes. She slowed to a walk when a car slowly drove by and rolled down their window. She walked up to the car and saw a young man with bright blue eyes and blonde hair. "Do you need help?" he asked in Italian.

      "Yes! Do you know how far we are from Volterra?" questioned Astra.

      "About six hours away. There's a bus stop just down the street, do you need a ride?" the man inquired.

     Astra studied him for a moment and came to the conclusion that he seemed trustworthy. "That would be wonderful. Thank you." She went around to the other side of the car and got in the passengers seat. She put her seatbelt on right as the man began driving. She sighed in relief and leant her head back a little bit. She was finally going back home.

     It was only a few minutes later when Astra realized they were heading in the direction of the motel. "Is the bus stop this way?" she questioned.

"Yes. It's only a few minutes away." he replied.

Astra nodded her head, but she was still suspicious. "What's your name?"

"Logan." answered the man as he glanced at her.

In the dark of the night, Astra couldn't make out much of his facial features, but he looked somewhat familiar. Her eyes got wide as they pulled into the motel parking lot. She quickly unbuckled her seat belt as they parked. "Did you really think Jasmine came here alone?" Logan inquired with a teasing tone in his voice.

"I was hoping she was an idiot." admitted Astra.

     Logan let out a laugh, "She may be stupid, but she's not an idiot." He gave her a grin, "She did let you escape after all, and kidnapped you. That was pretty stupid."

      Astra stared at him dumbfounded. She gave him a slow nod and then got out of the car. Before he had time to get out, she took off running again. She was only a few feet away from the vehicle when a sharp pain hit the back of her head and everything went black.

"WHY ISN'T SHE WAKING UP?" The voice of a man woke Astra from her unconscious state. She lightly groaned as she felt her head throbbing in pain. She opened her eyes and quickly realized she was tied up in the back of the suv. "Never mind, she's awake." She looked over to the voice and found Logan sitting in the passenger seat staring at her. "Even when she's angry she's beautiful."

"Shut up, Logan." snapped Jasmine from the drivers seat.

Logan looked over at her with an annoyed expression, "She'd be to Volterra already if I hadn't been out patrolling." he paused, "So really, you should be thanking me."

"I'll thank you when we get to the safe house." replied Jasmine.

Logan scoffed, "You said it yourself, there's no safe place from the Volturi. You just had to kidnap the most important thing to them." His voice was full of sarcasm. "They'll find us in no time."

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