chapter 3

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authors note : Astra's outfit for this chapter is above

   "SORRY DID YOU SAY SOMETHING?" Astra asked from her spot on the couch

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"SORRY DID YOU SAY SOMETHING?" Astra asked from her spot on the couch. She was currently playing a game on her new phone, and had been zoning in and at all morning. She was trying to distract herself from her raging thoughts and her growling stomach. She had searched the kitchen for food, but hadn't found anything appetizing.

"I said, Do you want to go shopping with me?" Renesmee said with her hands on her hips as she stood in front of the girl.

Astra instantly shot up from her spot on the couch, almost butting heads with the hybrid. "Really?" she asked, excitement buzzing through her. She hadn't been shopping since she lived in Italy, and even then her parents rarely let her go. They always thought it was too dangerous for her to be seen, and they definitely didn't want the Romano family getting ahold of her. Plus, she was hoping she could convince the girl to stop at a restaurant.

"Yes, really. Now hurry up and get some shoes on and we'll go." Renesmee said with a small smile.

Astra immediately did what she was told and met the brunette hybrid outside. She raised an eyebrow at the silver Volvo she had decided to drive, but climbed in the passenger seat without a word.

"It's my dad's car." Renesmee explained as she pulled out. She turned on the radio, but immediately turned it off as she realized it was on the classical station. "He likes classical music."

Astra laughed and buckled her seatbelt, "Of course a vampire would like classical music. Honestly, I would've preferred for vampires to be like the ones off of The Vampire Diaries. I still can't believe they sparkle in real life."

Renesmee shot her an amused look, "I'm not gonna lie, I totally agree with you."

Both girls burst out into laughter and continued to talk about The Vampire Diaries and The Originals the rest of the drive to Port Angeles.

   "I would choose Niklaus over Damon any day of the week." Astra stated as they finally reached their destination.

   "No way, Tyler is obviously the way to go." Renesmee argued as she parked the car in front of the mall.

   "Of course you would pick him! He's almost just like Jacob!" Astra laughed.

   Renesmee scrunched her nose, "There's no comparison between Tyler and Jake... besides being a wolf. Which technically Tyler and Klaus are both hybrid's."

   "So you picked him because he's similar to you?" Astra shot back, refusing to admit defeat.

   Renesmee rolled her eyes and opened the car door, "Let's just go shop." she said as she stepped out.

   Astra followed her lead with a giggle. She wrapped her arm around the hybrids as they walked to the door. "This is nice." she said, "I haven't had a friend in a very long time."

   "What was it like? Being part of a mafia?" Renesmee asked as she opened the door for them. They walked inside and headed straight for the clothing department.

   "It was interesting." Astra began with a soft smile, "The only people I really knew were my family and the people they hired. I went to a public school at one time, but that quickly changed once I brought a friend home. My parents thought it was too dangerous for me to have contact with the outside world, and so they hardly ever let me leave the house." She paused for a moment and looked at some of the dresses that were hanging up.

   "But, my family and their guards always made sure to make me feel loved. There was never a day that I went without, so I shouldn't complain. I mean, from a young age they made sure I knew how to protect myself. By the time I was ten, I could kill a man if I wanted to."

   "I understand where you're coming from on some things." Renesmee replied, "I was never really able to make friends at the high school I went to because of my last name. People always assumed I would be just like my family and never want to be friends with anybody. They all avoid me, not that I could be friends with them if I was allowed. My family and the pack are the only people I really know."

   Astra nodded in understanding. She felt like she was growing a deep, unbreakable bond with the girl beside her. She grabbed a black leather jacket and handed it to her. "Try this on! You would look amazing in it."

   They didn't mention their family issues anymore as they just continued to shop. They both were finding a variety of things that they loved, and Renesmee kept joking about how they were turning into Alice.

   "She absolutely loves to shop. There's never a day that goes by that she doesn't mention shopping. I'm actually surprised she didn't come with us today." Renesmee mused.

   "Where was the rest of your family today anyways? I haven't seen anyone else beside you and Esme..." Astra asked with furrowed eyebrows.

   Renesmee shrugged her shoulders, "They didn't tell me. They just told me to stay out of danger and then they left."

   "Don't you find that suspicious?" Astra asked as they walked out of the store.

   Renesmee shrugged again, "I'm used to their odd behavior. They're always too concerned with protecting me so, they never let me know anything."

   Abruptly, Renesmee's phone started to ring. She pulled the device out of her pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

  Astra mouthed, 'Who is it?' and Renesmee just waved her hand.

   "Okay. We'll be there in just a few minutes." The second Renesmee hung up the phone, she grabbed Astra's hand and began rushing towards the car. "We have to go."

   "What's wrong?" Astra asked as she tried to keep up with the hybrid's fast feet. She was starting to get worried by the girls anxiousness. Renesmee's eyes kept darting from left to right, as if she were looking for bad guys.

  They quickly got in the car and Renesmee sped off.

  "What's happened?" Astra demanded to know, the whole situation was starting to become to similar to the times the Romano family would threaten to attack.

  "Alice had a vision." Renesmee said as she sped up. "Everything will be explained when we get there, but we have to hurry."

  "Can we please get food first?" she asked as the hybrid pulled out of the parking lot.

   Renesmee shook her head, "We don't have time."

   Astra sighed deeply and rested her head upon the window. What could possibly be more important than food?

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