chapter 1

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   ASTRA TOOK A DEEP BREATH AS SHE STEPPED OFG THE PLANE AND INTO FORKS, WASHINGTON. She pulled her jacket closer to her body and began walking towards the luggage area. The weather was much different than what she was used to in Cincinnati, Ohio. She grabbed the stuff she was able to with her and walked outside to try to catch a taxi.

   She sat in the backseat with her head pressed against the cold window. Rain was pouring down from the sky as if the angels of heaven were crying. She couldn't help but think about her brother. Did he worry about her? Was he trying to find her? Or was he relieved that he no longer had to watch over her?

   "We're here ma'am." The taxi driver said as he pulled into the parking lot of Forks Community Hospital. Astra paid the man and exited the car. She waved goodbye to him as he pulled off and then she turned towards the hospital. She hoped that her sources had been correct and that Carlisle Cullen was actually a doctor at this small hospital. She walked inside the building with false confidence and walked straight to the front desk.

   The receptionist looked at her with a bored expression on his face, "Can I help you?"

   "I need to speak to Carlisle Cullen." Astra said. She spoke with an air of confidence, but she felt extremely nervous. She placed her shaking hands to the sides of her body and tried to conceal the fact that she was anxious.

   The man stared at her for a moment before nodding. He stood up and gave her a smile that didn't reach his eyes, "I'll go get him for you. Wait here."

   Astra nodded and tried to focus on calming her beating heart while she waited. She wasn't sure of why she was so nervous. Maybe it was because she was finally going to meet the man her father mentioned with one of his very last breaths. It felt like she was standing there for years, but in reality it was just a few minutes before the receptionist came back with a tall, blonde guy with golden eyes. She felt her eyebrows scrunch together as she contemplated his eye color. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

   "I heard you were asking for me. Can I help you?" Carlisle asked her. He kept his eyes trained on hers, and he softly smiled at her. His eyes were filled with kindness, and Astra felt herself relax in his presence.

   "Yes," she began, "My name is Astra Leonato. My father told me to find you."

   Carlisle's expression instantly turned into one of concern, "What has happened? What's wrong with Alberto?"

   Astra was taken aback by his response. She had only heard her father mention him a few times, and they had never met him. She didn't think that they knew each other very well, but she was obviously wrong.

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