chapter 19

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HOURS HAD PASSED SINCE JASMINE HAD LEFT ASTRA ALONE. She was currently hanging upside down on the bed, still waiting. Just when she thought it would be another few hours, the door opened and in walked her kidnapper. The women's face was void of emotion, but they way her eyes flitted back and forth made Astra think she was nervous about something.

     "Get up," Jasmine commanded, "We need to go."

      Astra sat upright and got off of the bed. Her mind immediately began to think of the worst things that could be happening. "Are you going to kill me?" she asked as she walked closer to Jasmine.

     Jasmine finally met her eyes, and that is when the blonde-haired girl noticed the panic that was hidden within her. "We need to go." she said again, this time more forcefully. She grabbed ahold of Astra's arm and began pulling her along.

"You're not good at this whole kidnapping thing, are you?" questioned Astra as she looked around the hallway she had been pulled into. She watched as many people began to run down the hallway in the same direction she was being pulled.

"Be quiet." replied Jasmine.

Astra ignored her, "The next time you kidnap someone, you should blindfold them. Unless you're planning on killing them, then it doesn't matter." She got silent for a moment and then realization came to her, "You are planning on killing me!"

Jasmine abruptly stopped and turned back to look at her, "If you don't shut up, I will kill you!"

     Astra closed her mouth and they continued walking. When they finally exited the building, she was ushered into a the back of a black suv. Once she sat down, the doors were slammed shut, and Jasmine got in the drivers seat. The drive was quiet for a few moments before Astra got tired of the silence. "Are you a vampire?" she asked. She noticed Jasmine's hands tightened on the wheel at her question.

"If I answer your question, will you shut up?" questioner Jasmine, her voice was filled with exasperation.

"Only if you answer two questions." lied Astra. She definitely was going to continue annoying her kidnapped. It was the only way she could cope with the situation.

Jasmine glanced at her through the rear view mirror. "Fine." she replied, "Yes, I'm a vampire."

"Why did you kidnap me?" Astra questioned, the confusion was clear in the tone of her voice, "Your boss is dead. You could've left with the rest of your people and stayed alive. Instead you took me and now you're going to die."

     Jasmine's jaw clenched, "Your soulmates," she spat the word 'soulmates' like it was dirt under her feet, "killed my entire family. They appeared in the night and slaughtered everyone. My parents, my older siblings, my aunts and uncles... they're all gone." her voice wavered at the end. "They let me live because I was a just a child. They thought I wouldn't remember anything."

It was quiet again as Astra absorbed the information and Jasmine calmed herself down. Finally, Astra broke the silence, "I'm sorry they did that."

"It was three-hundred years ago, but it feels like it happened yesterday." said Jasmine. "Stefano found me a few years ago, and recruited me. I wanted revenge for my family, and the Romano family lived in Italy, so it was the perfect opportunity to stay close by and keep an eye on the Kings." She looked at Astra again through the mirror, "And then you showed up."

     "Did you know who I was to the Kings before I met them?" asked Astra.

     "Of course not." Jasmine replied with a short laugh, "But after you met them I realized that you're the perfect way to get my revenge. There almost completely untouchable. But you? You're human. You can be easily killed."

     THE THREE KINGS, DEMETRI AND HECTOR WERE ALL IN A BULLETPROOF VAN ON THEIR WAY TO FIND ASTRA. Scarlett and Conner had stayed behind as neither of them would've been much help. Hector had insisted on going, despite the Kings not wanting him to. "They're moving." Demetri said as he pressed harder on the gas.

"How much longer until we find them." Hector asked. He was worried about his sister. She was the only close relative he had left, and he didn't know what he would do if he lost her.

"I can't say the exact time, but we are getting closer." replied Demetri. "They're not out of Italy yet, but they are out of Volterra."

Hector sighed, "I don't understand why they took her. She's not a phoenix."

"I think it's more than that." remarked Marcus. "The leader of the Romano family is dead. They have no one to look to for orders."

"The girl that took her," Caius fumed, "She's not human. She was able to fight against me."

Aro had a thoughtful expression on his face as he commented, "She did look quite familiar."

"When we find her, you guys can ask her all the questions you want." Hector said, "Unless she's done something to Astra. Then I get to kill her."

"Astra has not been harmed." Marcus assured.

Hector scoffed, "How do you know?"

"We're soulmates." answered Marcus, "Aro, Caius, and I would've felt her die."

"She's not dead, "Caius explained, "But that doesn't mean she's not being harmed as we speak."

     JASMINE PARKED THE SUV IN FRONT OF A RUN DOWN MOTEL AND GOT OUT. She went around to the back and opened the doors. Astra stated at the dark-haired girl for a moment, who was looking at her expectantly, before finally getting out of the vehicle. Jasmine slammed the doors shut and then tightly grabbed Astra's wrist.

"No funny business or I'll knock you out, got it?"

"Yes sir." Astra replied cheekily. "We'll work more in your kidnapping skills when we get inside the room." She smiled, "Don't worry, by the time my soulmates arrive, you'll know the proper way to treat the person you've taken."

Jasmine glared at her and pulled her inside the motel. They walked up to the service desk, and the man there gave them a bright smile, "Welcome! How may I help you two?" he greeted and asked in Italian.

     "I need one room with two beds." Jasmine replied in Italian. Her whole demeanor had changed once she had entered the motel. Her face was lit up with a smile that almost looked real and,  instead of holding Astra's wrist, she was now holding her hand

      Astra zoned out while they continued to speak and instead looked at her surroundings. Despite the run down appearance on the outside, the inside was pretty nice. "Here's your key. Enjoy your stay!" the man said, causing Astra to look back over to them. He handed Jasmine the key card and waved them goodbye.

Jasmine and Astra walked back outside and went around the corner to find their room. "It's room number 129." informed Jasmine. They walked for a few more minutes and then finally found the room. Once they were inside, Astra sat on the bed. "We're only going to stay tonight."

Astra nodded her head and watched her. She hadn't tried to restrain the blonde and she was hoping Jasmine wouldn't think of doing it. Jasmine sat on the bed and sighed. That was when Astra decided that as soon as the black-haired girl fell asleep, she was going to escape.


I'm so excited to finish this story lol. Please let me know what you think of this chapter!

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