chapter 18

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"UNHAND MY MATE AND I MIGHT LET YOU LIVE." Caius' dark voice seemed to boom in the quietness of the night. Astra turned her head just in time to see the rest of their group arrive. The three Kings were standing in front of the other people, each of them with a murderous look on their face.

     Stefano smirked, "Looks like the calvary has arrived." He looked over to the dark haired girl he had brought with him, "Jasmine, do me a favor and get rid of them." He then turned and began walking away again.

     "Now!" Jasmine yelled. Immediately, a bunch of men and women ran out of the old warehouse and began shooting their guns. Astra and Stefano were in the midst of the commotion as the fight began. The grip on Astra's wrist grew even tighter. She was positive that there would be bruises by the time the battle was over.

     "Hey, Stefano." Astra yelled over the loud noise of fighting. She forced herself to stop moving, causing the Romano leader to look back at her.

     Stefano glared angrily at her, "Not now, Princess. We'll have plenty of time to chat when we get out of here."

    Astra cringed at the nickname and then replied, "Not likely." She then proceeded to punch him right across the face with her free hand. A sharp pain went from her knuckles to her elbow as Stefano clutched his now bleeding nose. Astra quickly pulled out the gun she had hidden underneath her clothes and pointed it at his head.

     "Say hello to my little friend." She said with a smirk as she pulled the trigger. The gunshot seemed to be smothered underneath all of the other noise that surrounded her. Stefano fell over dead at her feet. Astra took in a deep breath and then turned towards the action. If she was anyone else, she would've felt guilty for killing someone. But, instead, all she felt was a deep satisfaction. She had finally avenged her parents.

     She was pushed by someone on her left. Looking over, she saw Jasmine in a fist fight with Caius. She seemed to be able to fight against vampires very well, causing another round of questions to enter Astra's mind. Pushing that away for another time, she pushed her way through the crowd, searching for her brother.

     Before she could get far, a hand gripped her arm. She immediately turned around and hit the person in the face with her gun. Her mouth dropped when she realized it was Aro. Hitting him had done nothing but broke her gun.

     "I thought you'd be more excited to see me." He said with an amused look on his face.

     "I'm always excited to see you." she replied with a flirtatious smile. There was something about avenging her parents that made her feel daring. Aro's faced seemed to brighten even more. She briefly glanced around and took in the carnage. She finally turned back to Aro, who was looking at her as if she were the best thing he'd ever seen, "We should get out of here."

     "Right now? But we're in the middle of a battle!" Aro happily exclaimed with a bright smile.

     Astra fought against the smile that threatened to appear, "I thought that you would want me to be safe." she teased.

     "You're by my side," Aro pulled her flush to him, and when he spoke again, his voice was much softer, "There's no safer place for you to be." He put his hand on her cheek and lightly caressed her skin.

The screaming sounds of fighting seemed to fade away as Astra stared into Aro's eyes. Just as she was leaning in closer, a battle cry was heard. "Take this motherfucker!"

Astra's eyes widened as she looked over Aro's shoulder. Her brother was holding two machine guns and was currently shooting (and successfully killing) ten of the opposite mafia's people. "RETREAT!" someone yelled. Immediately the Romano family began running in the other direction.

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