chapter 9

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   "FIVE MORE MINUTES HECTOR." Astra said sleepily as she snuggled deeper into the soft pillow that was under her head. Someone was nudging her awake and she couldn't help but feel an extreme annoyance towards them. She absolutely hated when people woke her up. She would much rather wake up on her own.

   "The Masters told me to wake you." A female voice spoke.

   "Masters?" Astra mumbled, "What kind of crazy shit is my brother into now?" A few seconds later the blonde girl shot up, her eyes wide open. She looked at the blonde girl who was standing next to the bed she was laying on with a terrified expression. "It wasn't a dream?" she asked in barely a whisper.

   The blonde girl shook her head, "No. This is very much real."

   Astra buried her head into the pillow and groaned. Of course it wasn't a dream. She was doomed to spend the rest of her life with bloodsucking vampires. Suddenly, she had an idea. She looked back up at Jane and gave her the best seductive face she could pull off. "You're pretty hot."

   "I have the body of a child. Please, don't embarrass yourself."

   Astra's face burned red as she realized it was true. She really should've taken a better look at her before trying to flirt. . . or even seduce her. She buried her head back into the pillow and slowly felt herself lose consciousness again.

   ONCE AGAIN SHE WAS WOKEN UP, THIS time by a tingling feeling that was slowly moving up and down her arm. "Wake up, princess." a voice spoke.

   "I'm not in the mood to play today, Conner." she said in her sleepy state. The motion on her arm seemed to freeze, "Who's Conner?" the voice said, seemingly trying to hide their anger. It caused Astra to suddenly remember where she was. Fuck.

   "He's no one. It was a dream." she quickly lied, she looked to see who was in the room with her and winced when she realized it was the growling blonde. Great, just what she needed.

  "Most people don't have dreams about nonexistent people. Now, I won't ask again. Who is Conner?" The blonde male said as his words slowly turned into a growl.

   Is this man a dog or what? He really has a growling issue. Astra thought to herself. She didn't know what to say to him as she didn't want them to find out about her friends. It was bad enough she was going to have to stay there with crazy people. She wished her life could go back to normal, well, the normal she was used to.

   "He's just a friend of mine." Astra said, which wasn't completely a lie. She wasn't really sure what they were anymore, but they truly couldn't become anything at this point. So, maybe it was more of a friends with benefits situation.

   The blonde male narrowed his eyes, almost as if knowing she was lying to him. She gave him a nervous smile and prayed he didn't notice her heart beat.  When he slowly nodded his head, as if accepting her answer for the moment,  Astra could feel herself relax.

   "So what's your name?" Astra asked, trying to keep her mind off the fact that she is talking to a vampire. It wasn't as if she hadn't faced danger in the past, but she truly didn't expect to face any supernatural creatures in her lifetime.

   "Caius." he replied as he sat on the edge of the bed. "We have food for you in the kitchen."

   Astra could tell that he wanted to say more, but he seemed to be holding himself back for some reason. She pushed the covers off of herself and moved to sit by him. She ignored the way her body shivered at the close contact with him. It was as if her body was calling out to him, wanting to touch him. "Thank you. Could you show me where that is?" she asked.

   "I could show you a lot of things."  he said ,  his voice suddenly getting deeper as he put a hand on her leg.  Astra's breath hitched at the contact and she slowly moved her eyes to his.  She had never felt something like this before, she felt her whole body react to him with just a touch. She wasn't a virgin at any means, and she had had her fair share of hookups in the past, but she could feel herself becoming flustered at something that she didn't even take as sexual.

   Finally, she composed herself,  "Well," she began, "I really don't think you could show me anything new, so if you don't mind, I'm going to go try to find the kitchen myself since you don't seem to want to help me get any food."  she grabbed his hand and somehow managed to ignore the way her heart sped up when she did so. She moved his hand to the side and stood up. She tried to keep her legs from shaking as she walked out of the room and began aimlessly trailing down the halls. If she reacted that way to him when he wasn't even trying anything, how was she supposed to handle all three of them without giving in to her body's desires.

   She was so deep into her thoughts that she didn't even notice the person that had walked up on her until their arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her up against them. Her breathe hitched as she felt their hot breath travel down her neck. "Did you really think I wasn't going to follow you?" Caius' deep voice made her legs turn to jelly.

   "Please let me go." she said softly, ignoring how his arms tightened at her words. She couldn't stand how the close proximity was clouding her thoughts. She needed to get away from him, yet her body was craving to be against him.

   "Kitten, you know you don't want that." he whispered as he nuzzled his nose against the side of her neck. She could've sworn she heard him purr for a moment. Is this guy a cat or a vampire?!

   "I really do want you to let me go." she said. She tried to make her voice sound stronger, but she could tell she was failing.

   "Brother, are you starting the fun without us?"

authors note :  hey everybody. i almost didn't update this story anymore because of comment that was left on one of the chapters. then i decided that i'm not going to let one bad comment stop me from writing a story that i am enjoying, and that many other people are enjoying. sorry if astra isn't exactly what you were expecting or exactly like you would write her but .  .  .  actually ,  i'm not sorry.  because astra is a character that came out of my imagination. i was originally going to make her be just a human girl who just so happened to be the daughter of a mafia leader. but then, i started writing down plots. i started planning out this story and i came up with an idea to make her into a phoenix. so that's who she's going to be. if you don't like that, then you can stop reading right now.

as for everybody else, thank you so much for reading ! & thank you for all the wonderful comments you've been leaving on each chapter. honestly, without them, i most likely would not be continuing this story. i appreciate each and every one of you.


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