chapter 11

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    ASTRA KNOCKED ON THE FRONT OF THE VOLTURI 'CASTLE' AS SHE LOOKED AROUND TO SEE IF CONNER HAD FOLLOWED HER. A chill went up her body as a breeze blew by and she silently cursed herself for not changing clothes while she was at the hotel. She knocked on the door again and finally a raven haired man answered. "What do you want?"

"I'm here to see the kings." she replied as she studied him. She noticed that he looked very similar to Jane, and so she assumed that this was her twin.

"Why do you need to see the kings, human?" The boy sneered at her. She wasn't surprised that he had a similar personality to his sister. It seemed that they both had bad attitudes, not that she could blame them. Their village had truly treated them terribly.

   "Can you just tell them that I'm here? Or take me to them?" she asked in exasperation, the cold was starting to get to her and she was tired from all the walking she had done.

"Follow me." he said as he allowed her to walk inside. He was curious about the human. It wasn't everyday that they came alone to the lions den. He eyed the gun in her hand and opened his mouth to speak, but Astra beat him to it.

"I don't have anywhere to put the gun, and I'm not getting rid of it so don't even ask." Astra replied. The vampire just gave her an emotionless stare and then began walking down a hallway. She followed closely behind him, and tried to memorize the way back. She was positive she was never going to figure out where everything was in the castle, it was too big and there were too many hallways and rooms. They walked for what felt like hours before the ebony haired vampire stopped at a doorway.

   "This is their office. Go ahead. Knock." he said as he noticed her hesitation.

   "I changed my mind, I'll just go find a different place to stay." Astra nervously said. She didn't know where the sudden anxiety had come from. Just a couple of hours ago, she was threatening to kill somebody, but now she didn't even want to knock on a door.

   "Here, I'll do it for you." the vampire said with a tight smile. He knocked on the door and it was instantly opened by Aro. The other two kings were standing not too far behind him. He glanced at the vampire, that Astra wished she knew the name of, before looking at the blonde girl, "Astra! What a lovely surprise. I thought you were leaving for the day..." he stated.

"Something came up." Astra began, "I couldn't stay there. I'll try to go back tomorrow." she said. She noticed that Caius had narrowed his eyes at her words and she reminded herself to not tell them about Conner. It would cause too many issues and she was afraid that they might try to kill him.

"Please, come in and we can discuss it some more." Aro suggested. "Thank you, Alec, for bringing her to us. You can leave now." Alec nodded at his words and Astra watched as he flashed away in the blink of an eye. She turned to look at the three kings, and noticed that they had moved out of the way to let her enter the room. She walked in and looked around in curiousity. She noticed that there were books everywhere. There were stacks on the table, as well as a bookshelf behind a desk.

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