Chats With Clari

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A/N: HEY GUYS HAPPY SUPERBOWL! Chapter written by tato :3

Phil's P.O.V. Friday (technically. It's 1 am)

After Dan had fallen asleep and I'd heard his light, whistly snoring, I called Clarissa.

"Hey, Clari," I said as she picked up.

"Jesus, Phil. It's one in the morning. Good thing I've been up eating nothing but pretzels dipped in ketchup for 2 hours," she said.

"I sprained my wrist..." I said quietly.

"Oh, Phil! How?"

"Um, well, Matt came by the studio, and, long story short, we got into a fight. So, he pushed me down, and Dan punched him," I said.

"Phil! I'm so sorry! Matt talked to me, and I filled him in on our life. Man, and to think I trusted that bastard. But anyway, why don't you stop thinking about Matt and think about DAN! He seems like he'd be perfect for you! I mean, he PUNCHED a guy for you!" she said.

"Clari, he's straight. And besides, mum wouldn't like him."

"Mum doesn't like any of your boyfriends. She doesn't like the fact that you're gay. She's just one homophobic bitch. But I accept you," she said sweetly.

"I'm glad. Also, I came out to Dan, after what happened at the studio."

"PHIL! It took you YEARS to come out to me! You barely know this guy, and you're acting like you've known him since you were babies. Which is just the reason I think we should be together," she said. I groaned.

"CLARI! You know why we can't. I mean, guys like him are too good to be true, because they're always either straight, or taken."

"So, you DO like him?" she asked confused.

"I don't know! I don't think I'm ready for love again; I'm still getting over my breakup with Matt," I said, sighing.

"Phil, leave Matt behind you! This is the present, not the past! Try to forget him, and you'll be ready for love! And, hopefully, so will Dan."

"Clarissa, drop it," I said. She giggled.

"FINE. But, I totally ship it!" she said.

"Whatever. So, how've you been?"

"Well, we've been shopping for foods for the party: baby back ribs, baby carrots, baby corn, and other stuff like that. We've also bought a crib, and other generic gender stuff. I'm waiting until we find out the gender in 3 months to buy the gendered items. Also, I've already started weir cravings, besides the pretzels: pickles dipped in mayo, Maltesers coated in flour, and crisps and barbecue sauce," she said, sighing.

"Well, I better get to bed. Bye!" I said, yawning.

"Now you've made me yawn! Bye!" she said as she hung up. I plugged my phone back into the charger, and went back to my blankets and pillows. I eased my sore wrist onto a pillow, and slid myself under the covers. I shut my eyes, and drifted off.

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