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A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to apologize for not updating; I was just busy with school and I was sick, so I don't know what happened. *sheepishly blushes* Anyway I love you all for sticking with me for this fic, and please enjoy!~tato .3.

And I got the word minted from a superamazingproject that I will have down below. I really don't know if people use it.

Phil's P.O.V.

Right as we were about to start learning the new routine, Chelsea walked back in.

"Sorry, forgot my purse," she said.

"Wait!" Dan yelled. She stopped, balancing on the toes of her Balmain high tops, clutching her forgotten Coach purse. She's obviously minted. She sighed, then said,


"Can you stay for another hour, so you can work with Phil?" Dan asked.

"This is my new partner?" she asked, looking me up and down.

"Can you dance?"

"Um, I'm pretty sure," I said, laughing. She didn't laugh with me. I quickly stopped and nervously fixed my hair. Dan clapped and said,

"We've got no time to waste! Let's get started!"


Dan's P.O.V.

When I paired Phil with Chelsea, I assumed that she would be dragging his ass through the routine, but I was wrong. Phil kept up with Chelsea, dipping her petite figure with ease. He didn't miss a step, and when there was only 10 minutes of class left, I stopped them.

"Ok, you've all worked very hard. You can rest and talk for the rest of the class." Chelsea and Phil got a drink of water. Chelsea said,

"Wow, you were better than I expected you to be. Sorry if I seemed like a bitch at the beginning."

"That's fine! I know that I don't really look like I can ballroom dance," Phil said as he fixed his hair.

Phil's P.O.V.

Damn, I always seem to fix my hair when I'm nervous, I thought to myself.

Dan's P.O.V.

The clock buzzed, and Chelsea said goodbye, and Phil and I walked out together.

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